The Adventure Lyrics
The one where I wake up and im alive
Just as the four walls closed me within
My eyes are opened up with pure sunlight
Even if your hope has burned with time
Anything thats dead shall be regrown
And your viscious pain, your warning sign
You will be fine
Like every single tree reach for the sky
If youre gonna fall, ill let you know
That i will pick you up like you for I
I felt this thing i cant replace
Where all the children left without a trace
Only to come back as pure as gold
To recite this song

Tom delonge has said that the song was inspired by a friend who whose marriage was kind of falling apart. It touched me so deeply that I was up one night crying for him -- I felt so hurt. The chorus goes, "Hey, yo/Here I am, and here we go/Life is waiting to begin." It just keeps building and building and building, and says, "I cannot live and I cannot breathe unless you do this with me."
Imagine you're still in love with someone and that person doesn't love you back, and there's nothing you can do about it. I don't wish that upon anybody.
@hugo_blink182 and then imagine you've been married for like ten years. it really adds another level to it. we need to stop acting as if a dying marriage is the same as any other relationship.
@hugo_blink182 and then imagine you've been married for like ten years. it really adds another level to it. we need to stop acting as if a dying marriage is the same as any other relationship.

Blink is Blink
Boxcar is Boxcar
Angels & Airwaves is Angels & Airwaves
None of which sound a like, and have a sound of there own. You cant change that! I think Angels & Airwaves are an amazing group. Tom has done a great job and this song is one of my all time favorites.
People this is not about Blink-182
Get over it, just as much as you want it to be. Its not about Mark or Travis. People have said what its really about. Hes said it in interviews.

Why does everyone assume that every song he's written is about Blink 182's past?

Love it. Tom TOTALLY described it right. it's really like depressing in a way, but then on the other hand, it makes you feel the blood in your veins, it makes you wanna get up and DO something, do anything. i have never felt the emotion i felt from this song from any other song. Tears, laughs all that i've gotten from a song... but this is just so wow. The exhiliration you get it's just... wow. real powerful.

Alright this is what I get from it. Let me know what ya think.
The song is like a metaphor and analogy for death and blink breaking up.
I want to have the same last dream again The one where I wake up and im alive
(Tom realizes he pretty much ended his career ((dieing)) and wants it back so hes making his new band AvA, the dream of him being a musician again.)
Just as the four walls closed me within My eyes are opened up with pure sunlight
(The analogy of death here, four walls closing him within is a casket, right as he thinks his lifes over and hes dieing he gets the idea of AvA, his eyes opening with pure sunlight of a new life, also in the analogy of being heaven.)
Im the first to know, my dearest friends Even if your hope has burned with time
(he sees the sunlight he knows there is a heaven, hes telling all his freinds that didn't believe in a life after death thata there is still hope, hes the first to know because hes dead, but its all a metaphor for blink breaking up, the new hope of heaven is AvA)
Anything thats dead shall be regrown And your viscious pain, your warning sign You will be fine
(His guarantee of an after life, all thats dead will be regrown in heaven, all the pain and warnings that people put up to not believe are out of line, everyone will be fine. Now all that again metaphorically speaking of blink breaking up and Tom coming back as AvA. Every Reference of an after life in this song is AvA and every Reference of death is blink breaking up.)
Hey yo, here i am, and here we go, lifes waiting to begin
(Pretty obvious, hes back and ready to fuck shit up Lets Party!)
Any type of love it will be shown Like every single tree reach for the sky
(just kool sounding lines again reassuring that a new band/ wave of after life is coming and will be amazing.)
If youre gonna fall, ill let you know That i will pick you up like you for I
(This is kool it says like Tom's looking out for the fans, "pick him up" like have faith and stay loyal, hill pick us up like we did him by giving us the best music ever which he promised earlier in this song.)
I felt this thing i cant replace That everyone was working for this goal Where all the children left without a trace
(He felt a new life style/band he wanted to live out, he ended blink and can't replace what everyone worked to build in that band, all the kids that love it were left thinking it was all over(( until the next line of the soooonng))
Only to come back as pure as gold To recite this song
(all the kids that thought he ended everything and ruined it all come back even better because they hear this badass music and new amazing life style, obviously reciting this song, following AvA.)
The rest is self explanatory just Tom inviting everyone onto the next adventure.....

this song is not not not about blink 182 or anything like that, i can assure you..

In my opinion, this song is not about Mark and Travis. I think this song is about AVA, and their this band that is a new adventure to just about everyone involved with it.
my dearest friends, even if your hope has burned with time, anything that's dead shall be re-grown, and your vicious pain, your warning sign, you will be fine.
I think this is dedicated to his fans. Even though their favorite band broke up, look to the future for a much more awesome band.
Hello - here I am, and here we go, life's waiting to begin.
And the adventure is just about to begin.
I can see why some people think this song is about Tom and Mark. The truth is, it could be interpreted in so many different ways that it is crazy.

Tom mentioned this song as being about his friend who's marriage was breaking up. Tom apprently cried about it (Hey, he said it on the Rolling Stone podcast) and then wrote the song. I get a totally different, uplifting vibe from it, but whatev. AvA is bound to kick ass.

well, dear kid, you must realise that there is a time in every person's life when he hit their 30es and after that he begins to mature as person and individual. The same goes with Thom Delonge, Billie Joe Armstrong and everyone in these bands. The problem is that the chemistry in blink is not working anymore. In Green Day also wasn't working, but these guys back then when they were recording "AI" resolved the issues after months of counselling. I think that blink-guys should've done the same, but... they didn't. I certainly think that I'd like more blink do both albums, but as it seems it's not possible.

I love this song so much. This makes me cry and I dont know why.. its such a pretty song but its sad at the same time. I love the line " I cant live, I cant breathe unless you do this with me.." Gets me every time..