Beyond The Pale Lyrics
Tempting me, leaving me thirsty
Sweat, skin, a PULSE divine to balance this restless MIND
It seemed so wonderfully physical
Oh, the BLOOD, the lust, the bodies that color the world:
all drugs to die for! Won't you share my fire?
How can LOVE make that world a minefield of forbidden GROUND?
A map of untouchable skin and SILENCED desire?
Too early for a child of TEN
Loving the pure and sane, he sought the goddesses unstained
Watching them turn to flesh again
HUNGRY for both the PURITY and SIN
Life seemed to him merely like a GALLERY of how to be
And he was always much more HUMAN than he wished to be
But there is a LOGIC to his world, if they could only see
Always growing stronger (Ticking)
BUDAPEST I'm learning
Budapest you're burning me
This is not what I wanted to see
She's so young, so why don't I feel free
now that she is here under me?
Seeking a love that might make me feel free in myself,
but then it proves to be something that hurts inside when we touch
So I move on, I lose my way
Astray I'm trying too much to feel unchained, to burn out this sense of feeling cold
And every day I seek my prey: someone to taste and to hold
I feel alive during the split second when they smile and meet my eyes
But I could cry 'cause I feel broken inside!
And you will see that I'm ADDICTED to my HONESTY
Trust! 'Cause after all my sense of TRUTH once brought me here
But I've LOST control and I don't know if I am true to my soul
I've lost CONTROL and I don't know if I am true to my soul
Losing control and I don't know if I am TRUE AT ALL!
I was surprised to feel such pain
And all those years of being faithful to YOU
despite the hunger flowing through my veins
And I have always tried to calm things down, SWALLOW down, swallow down
"It's just another small THORN in my crown"
But suddenly one day there was just too much blood in my eyes,
and I had to take this WALK down REMEDY LANE of when's and why’s...
Always growing stronger (Craving)
BUDAPEST I'm learning
Budapest I'm burning me
This is not what I wanted to see
She's so young, so why I don't feel free
now that she's under me?
In the morning she's going away
in a Budapest taxi I've paid
Seeking freedom, I touched the untouched
It's too much - I'm BEYOND THE PALE!
and we were always much more human than we wished to be
Prematurity is truly the story of both you and me,
and we were always much more human than we wished to be
We were always much more human than we wished to be
We were always much more human than we wished to be
We will always be more human then we wish to be

I think he just meant that he remembers starting to have sexual desires at age eight.

I've gotten much different vibes off this song than just "he wanted sex when he was 8", this song is the climax of probably their most emotional album, and is tied into several times from the rest of the album, from the main theme which we hear in chain sling, to the lyrical content of fandango "We will always be so much more human than we wish to be"
I've never been able to figure it out completely, if at all. I've always felt it more desiring the warmth of another human to quell loneliness and distance. He's trying to fill the void with it, but it won't do it, there's no love, it's just desperate attempts to feel human contact.
and the song isn't about when he's 8, it STARTED when he was. Which is far back in most people's memory, as long as he can remember he's always wanted that human contact. But that seems too simple for this song, this song is a masterpiece, I can't hope to dissect it at all.
and the song isn't about when he's 8, it STARTED when he was. Which is far back in most people's memory, as long as he can remember he's always wanted that human contact. But that seems too simple for this song, this song is a masterpiece, I can't hope to dissect it at all.

Daniel explains it as a journey to discover what freedom truly is, and he wrote it at a time in his life when he was struggling in his relationship. The romantic notion is to stay with someone through thick and thin, but this is not easily done for we are much more human than we wish to be. Numerous alternate scenarios are explored: What if he chose to go down remedy lane and leave his wife? what if he pursued his own selfish desires in lieu of hers? What if he allowed his anger to gain the better judgement? often couples are hesitant to explore sex after such a traumatic experience, the male blaming himself for what occurred, which can result in the wife feeling inadequate and isolated, perhaps seeking the company of someone else to fulfill her needs. these are all selfish, base desires, but they are a part of human nature, and this is what Daniel is getting at I think. The ages he speaks of don't point to pedophilia or underage acts of coitus necessarily, they are aspects of human sexual awareness, his and hers. Obviously, he and his wife were able to overcome this obstacle as they have had children since, so I don't think everything he speaks of actually took place, they are dramatic licenses the author took in order to better deal with his grief.

Based off of an interview Daniel made right after the release of In The Passing Light Of Day on spotify he mentioned the year 2001 as being a particularily rough one. If I were to be fairly specific about what happened in this song I guess his wife cheated on him several years prior "i remember when you said you've been under him - and all those years of being faithful to you despite the hunger flowing through my veins", and during perhaps touring The Perfect Element the following year brought him back to Budapest and one night his bitterness almost took over. In the end though he didn't do it based on the line "she's so young so why don't i feel free now that she is under me?". If you look in the booklet this song is set in 2001 (i think, been years since i looked it up, if I'm wrong then my mistake I guess).

Well, like said before, the main subject here is not the fact that the protagonist remembers having sexual urges back at 8, but it is rather a confession.
To me, the most important thing here is his own evaluation of choices during his life. He keeps looking and remembering the past in order to understand himself better now, or at least, to comprehend why he's such a mess, what have led him to this very moment. I believe the comparison made is quite clear on the first two stanzas, being the first about Sex, and second about Love.
Personally the Love stanza reminds quite much of Romanticism on Literature, the perfect ideal woman, yet, unattainable, intangible, which somehow explains "watching them turn to flesh again", thus, giving in to (her) own sexual urges.
I understand this album as a non-linear (chronological) story about a man and woman, both very young and presumably alone in life, who love each other, start living together, she gets pregnant, loses the child, something happens between them (this point is not really explicit to me, perhaps I am missing something. Probably she has had sex with another man), and then he runs away, leaves her due to the fight and probably because she did something really unforgivable to him.
That's why he says "Budapest I'm learning / Budapest you're burning me", it's probably where they used to live or where he ran to.
"Undertow" is probably a "prequel" and it is about him breaking free of the relationship, now he can do whatever he wants, no more restrictions (specially sex related), and it can explain his thoughts on these verses:
This is not who I wanted to be / This is not what I wanted to see
Like I said, he is thinking about his choices, and when the next verses come up, he's actually having sex, with a young hooker or regular girl, but at the same time, he still feels guilty about it, and not free at all...
Then, he goes on... he is quite desperate and lost, I guess he really doesn't know how to proceed with his life from now on, the days seem empty and eternal, time passes by and he doesn't really follow it. That's the Remedy Lane he mentions. Of course, a lot of that is just empathy and assumptions.
What he really says is that he still "hunts" for women, he thinks it is fun, and it is delightful to him, but the sex sounds like torture and at the same time necessary, he can not hunt and not finishing it, it is disrespectful, to the women. That's the hunger he mentions, his sexual urges and needs.
Truth is, he wishes he was not such a human man. It is a paradox, because he has many human wishes and needs, and when he fulfills such desires he feels inhuman, dirty and an exploiter.
The verse "Seeking freedom I've touched the untouched / It's too much / I'm Beyond the Pale" is about all these mixed feelings, this paradox. He is beyond salvation, there's no remedy which can heal him, he will have to bury it deep, all these feeling and questions, and live on. A very desperate song. And my second favourite on this amazing album.
Sorry if I have not made myself very clear. English is not my mother-language, and somehow it is really complicated to talk about such abstract subjects as feelings.
Great reply. Your English isn't bad :)
Great reply. Your English isn't bad :)
@xbocax The only point I'd raise is that when having sex in the third stanza I'd suggest that he has imagined sex to be very meaningful (love), but that his actual first sexual experience didn't give him this emotional fix that he has wanted for so long.
@xbocax The only point I'd raise is that when having sex in the third stanza I'd suggest that he has imagined sex to be very meaningful (love), but that his actual first sexual experience didn't give him this emotional fix that he has wanted for so long.
The rest is very indepth and well thought out.
The rest is very indepth and well thought out.

Why has no one commented on this song yet? I believe many many people can relate to this song. Daniel's voice is just... wow.

this is a rad song this band deserves much more credit and comments than what it has ..PoS

Well here's a comment: Can an eight-year old male even have sex? I wonder what percent of human males reach puberty by age eight... probably extremely low, if not zero.
But also, yeah. Good song.
Yes, technically, an eight year old can have sex. Prepubescent males can achieve orgasm but cannot ejaculate until they reach puberty. So they can still "feel it" and yet not dispell any semen. Does that answer your question?
Yes, technically, an eight year old can have sex. Prepubescent males can achieve orgasm but cannot ejaculate until they reach puberty. So they can still "feel it" and yet not dispell any semen. Does that answer your question?
Anyways... I guess Danny is/was a pretty messed up guy. Oh well, doesn't matter as long as he keeps putting out songs like this.
Anyways... I guess Danny is/was a pretty messed up guy. Oh well, doesn't matter as long as he keeps putting out songs like this.
@whiteunibrow Not sure if it is saying they were having sex at 8, but more so the thoughts and concepts of what sex involves were formed at that age.
@whiteunibrow Not sure if it is saying they were having sex at 8, but more so the thoughts and concepts of what sex involves were formed at that age.

Yes, technically, an eight year old can have sex. Prepubescent males can achieve orgasm but cannot ejaculate until they reach puberty. So they can still "feel it" and yet not dispell any semen. Does that answer your question?
Anyways... I guess Danny is/was a pretty messed up guy. Oh well, doesn't matter as long as he keeps putting out songs like this.
If u didnt knew, the song is a part of a "story" about a man. He doesnt sing about himself and his life. Many progressive rock/metal bands creates albums which contains a story-line. Many times this is confuzed, and ppl think that the singer sing about himself. But no he wasnt a messed up guy =)
If u didnt knew, the song is a part of a "story" about a man. He doesnt sing about himself and his life. Many progressive rock/metal bands creates albums which contains a story-line. Many times this is confuzed, and ppl think that the singer sing about himself. But no he wasnt a messed up guy =)
Very very very good song, i guess the best that PoS have done.. The solo is amazing..... speechless
Very very very good song, i guess the best that PoS have done.. The solo is amazing..... speechless
Daniel's actually pretty open about the fact that Remedy Lane is autobiographical.
Daniel's actually pretty open about the fact that Remedy Lane is autobiographical.