11 Meanings
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8th Grade Lyrics

Caught staring again
Like a deer in headlights
When I can't move fast enough
I take a hit for the team

Pretty girl is blushing
I can't tell if she's disgusted
Laughter starts to swell
Someone gets the joke

Bells ring, I make my escape
It helps a little but doesn't save
Beat down's a common thing
It happens every day
Maybe I'm just strange
‘Cause I don't change schools
So maybe I like the abuse
Or maybe I'm just like you

Another confrontation
You've got something to prove
Your girl can't tell how tough you are
When you beat me up in the boy's room

I made a big mistake
But I can't help who I like
This may not cost my life
But I'm branded forever lame
This was not my decision
You were born with good looks
And a solid right hook
Whining makes no difference

You bruised my eye
It doesn't hurt at all
One day I'll rise above
And you will take a fall

I may be beat today
But I will survive
I'll get up off the ground
Stand tall and fight
My eyes don't hurt at all
I would rather die than be your whipping boy

School year's almost over
Summer's one day closer
Summer's one day closer
Summer's one day closer

As God as my witness
I will never be a victim again

Yeah, yeah
Ah, ah
Song Info
Submitted by
b12 On Jan 06, 2006
11 Meanings
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This song is about highschool, mhm, you can tell. & how he was bullied & shiiiit. Haha, I'm listening to it right now. Good song. =] But yeah, its deffently about Frank & how he was beat up & shit, he's really tiny & that could have been why they did that. & that he won't ever let somone take him down ever again. I know it sounds weird but I really like the song & its on..So I'm gonna do dance!

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everyone else is Wrong he didnt like the jocks girlfriend HE LIKED THE JOCK

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Yeah it's pretty obvious that this song is getting beat up by maybe the jock?

" You were born with good looks And a solid right hook"

maybe.. and i think that it's probably also about

him liking the jocks girlfriend and so the jock beats him up? yeah dunno but i love it when they scream mother fucker.

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Gotta agree with the bullying thing. But the thing I love about this song is how well he portrays 8th grade. Its kind of funny but sort of true. I MISS PENCEY. )=

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he falls in love with a jocks girl he rthinks she's so pretty he can't help but stare but he's allways found out and he say one day i'll knock the shit out of this guy coz him beating me up is making me stronger

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This is probably based on a true story or something, he always said he got bullied and shoved into lockers in school since he was always small and an outcast.

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This song makes me smile cause now Frank probably has the last laugh. Now he's famous and looked up to by millions of kids that are just like he used to be in school and the fucking jock that gave him beat downs is probably living on food stamps and wishing that he would have been nicer to kids like Frankie.

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Yup. Frankie definitely has the last laugh. "Caught staring again like a deer in the headlights" He's fallen for the pretty girl, who is obviously the jock's girl. The jock hates it, so he bashes poor little Frankie in the toilets, where the girl can't see what a pussy her boyfriend actually is. Frankie can't fight back, coz I reckon the jock would have his mates with him. He'd be grossly outnumbered. "As God as my witness, I will never be a victim again." And with that, he went on to do so much more with his life than those 'jocks' ever could -- he's looked up to and respected by so many people around the world.

I can relate to this song big time, and I just love it.

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