11 Meanings
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Open Register Lyrics

please don't move too soon, too sudden
I might have to do something I don't want too, do you?
I don't think so
so please just act slow
this will all be over before you know
(we're trying to help you)

my eardrums pound, I'm trying so hard to not shoot
the glorious sound, no one move around

you would feel the same way
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11 Meanings

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Cover art for Open Register lyrics by Idiot Pilot

"and be slow but not too slow too sudden i don't have to do something i don't want to do you? i don't think so so please just act slow this will all be over before you know you know

we're trying to help you

my eardrums pound i'm trying so hard to not shoot the glorious sound no one move around

you would feel the same way"

Lyric Correction
Cover art for Open Register lyrics by Idiot Pilot

this song's about a bank robbery, the register is a cash register

Cover art for Open Register lyrics by Idiot Pilot

Love this so much, I interpret it as a warning, or advice: "don't love too soon"

Cover art for Open Register lyrics by Idiot Pilot

I agree in that aspect. I thought adding the thing about how cell phones inpact relationships was brilliant. You know..texts and all.

Cover art for Open Register lyrics by Idiot Pilot

Just checked idiotfan.com, their lyrics are similar to mine:

please don't move too soon. too sudden. i might have to do something i don't want to. do you? i don't think so, so please just act slow this will all be over before you know.

(we're trying to help you)

my eardrums pound. im trying so hard to not shoot. the glorious sound. no one move around.

you would feel the same way.

Cover art for Open Register lyrics by Idiot Pilot

The last posted lyrics are definitely the ones that go best with the song. That's what I got out of it.

The robbery interpretation makes the most sense. Open register, it fits.

Cover art for Open Register lyrics by Idiot Pilot

Lyrics updated. Thanks! :)

Cover art for Open Register lyrics by Idiot Pilot

ive always thought it was

my eardrums pound im trying so hard to not shoot the glorious down

so then its like..trying not to put someone down, ruin their hopes and dreams..or more literally shoot someone glorified..like a cop

but listening to it again it could be sound or down in places, i think id prefer it to be down

Cover art for Open Register lyrics by Idiot Pilot

The song is about feeling trapped. About rushing in without seeing the consequences and then being forced to either hurt others or surrender to the mess you created for yourself. Trying to find a way out. But all you can hear is the pounding in your own ears, the rush of emotion enhancing the sound, drowning out all others.<a href="http://seobizonline.com/search-engine-optimization.html">search engine optimization</a> | <a href="http://seobizonline.com/search-engine-optimization-agency.html">search engine optimization agency</a> |

Cover art for Open Register lyrics by Idiot Pilot

Again I must offer some suggestions for lyrics that make a little bit more sense.

Blew your sole move too soon Do yourself, I don't have to Do you suffer? I don't want to Do you? I don't think so, so please just act slow This'll all be over before You know... you know


My eardrums pound I'm trying so hard To not shoot A glorious sound No other around

Blew your sole move too soon Do yourself or I might have to Do you suffer? I don't want to Do you? I don't think so, so please just act slow This'll all be over before You know... you know


My eardrums pound I'm trying hard to Not shoot A glorious sound No other around

You Would Too The same way You Would Feel The same way


My eardrums pound I'm trying hard to Not shoot A glorious sound No other around


My eardrums pound WE'RE TRYING TO HELP YOU! I'm trying hard to WE'RE TRYING TO HELP YOU! Not shoot A glorious sound WE'RE TRYING TO HELP YOU! No other around

Hearing the lyrics this way, one can imagine a robbery-turned-hostage-situation (robbery = open register) with the police outside telling him he blew it, he put himself there, and if he takes responsibility they won't have to hurt him. They're yelling "We're trying to HELP you!" and the gunman is trying hard not to shoot, and at one point yells "You would do the same, you would feel the same, if you were in my position!" But of course this imagery is used as an analogy for something else...

The song is about feeling trapped. About rushing in without seeing the consequences and then being forced to either hurt others or surrender to the mess you created for yourself. Trying to find a way out. But all you can hear is the pounding in your own ears, the rush of emotion enhancing the sound, drowning out all others.