3 Meanings
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Compute Lyrics

All we ever wanted
Is to know how to shake off every impulse
Looking up evolution's skirt
To see what the future will bring

The thing that smacks our nostrils
Track down it's origin and reason
And somehow we just can't help but feel
We beat up the wrong guy

Everything seems to work fine
But something doesn't compute
It does not compute
Everybody's feeling alright
But something doesn't compute
It does not compute

The answer's gone to waste
The question is wrapped in hesitation
But all the handshakes in the world
Couldn't grasp why this is absurd

Everytime this happens
Some representitive of instinct
Slips you his business card and leaves you
To figure out what it means

This sinking feeling
That there's more than meets the eye
You just have to wonder why
You just have to wonder why

Everything seems to work fine
But something doesn't compute
It does not compute
Everybody's feeling alright
But something doesn't compute
It does not compute
3 Meanings
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This song is so feel good. I can just sit around, blare this song, and feel sort of good while working or doing study or blah blah.

This song, for me, is about just having that day where you are just having a great time. Really enjoying yourself, the sun is shining, you have no work, everything is going fine with your partner but deep down theres just feeling like something is wrong. And this feeling becomes heavier and heavier.

And for some reason I associate the word 'compute' with like... calculators and computers. Like to compute is to use a calculator or computer to figure out something. Something that you can probably figure out for yourself but you just can't. And this thing in your life that is upsetting you can only be found with the help of another.


-Katie. xoxo.

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I think it might be about the Iraq War, because in the background of the song it sounds like there's a news report... and I didn't hear all of it, but it says something about Gulf. I thought of Gulf War. I could be completely wrong.

And somehow we just can't help but feel We beat up the wrong guy

Seems to support it, since I heard that line right after the background thing.

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I'll go with a modern secular European questioning humanism and the death of God. Everyone's feeling all right but we've got that nagging feeling there's more than meets the eye.

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