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Under A Raging Moon Lyrics

In the searchlights
You could see us as you circled round
Down below us you were screaming
I could hear the sound
I could see your arms reaching up to me
Like a demon, I could feel the madness
Running through the crowd
We were freedom
From the moment that we hit the ground
And the wild man, he laid the thunder down.

Do you remember me, like I remember you
In a sea of hands you came shining through
In the mist of time I can see it now
All my life I will remember this (under a raging moon)
For this moment I was born for it (under a raging moon)
Under a raging moon, we were flying there
Under a raging moon, we saw Zion there
It ended all too soon, under a raging moon

We were out there
When they handed us the rebel's crown
All the headlines
All they tried to do was tear us down
But the wild man, he didn't fool around

Do you remember me, cause I remember you
Yeah you won my love, when the dream came true
When my blood ran high, I can hear it now
All my life I will remember it (under a raging moon)
For this moment I was born for it (under a raging moon)
Under a raging moon, we were flying boy
Under a raging moon, it's worth dying for
It ended all too soon, under a raging moon

Taking me back to better times
We never read the danger signs
Why are the young, why are the young so blind?
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4 Meanings

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Cover art for Under A Raging Moon lyrics by Roger Daltrey

Another 8 years since my last comment in 2015 and no one else has bothered… at least the song and album are finally on iTunes! See you (or nobody) in another 8 years!

Cover art for Under A Raging Moon lyrics by Roger Daltrey

This is an awesome song that I'm suprised wasn't posted. It is a tribute to Keith Moon the drummer of his former band The Who (hence the title). Roger Daltrey got 20 different drummers to do the drum solo in the song (one of them being Ringo Starr).

Cover art for Under A Raging Moon lyrics by Roger Daltrey

I agree, I also can't believe this song wasn't posted earlier AND that no-one else has posted any comments. I once owned the album on cassette. A pretty good song, wish I could find the video for it... Thanks for posting.

Cover art for Under A Raging Moon lyrics by Roger Daltrey

Wow, no further comments after my last one 8 years ago? Lol, probably explains why this song isn't available on iTunes still...!!