3 Meanings
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Lead a Normal Life Lyrics

It's nice here with a view of the trees
Eating with a spoon?
They don't give you knives?
'Spect you watch those trees
Blowing in the breeze
We want to see you lead a normal life
3 Meanings
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f8fbearcat is generally correct. This is yet another song from Peter inspired by Anne Sexton. The lines may actually be a part of one of her poems, I am not positive as my book of her poems is long enough that I have not found it yet.

She is looking at the trees though the window as the only thing of the world she can see She is forced to eat with a spoon and her hands because no sharp objects are allowed Her only feeling of life is to see the leaves rustle in those trees But all they want is for her to have a "normal" life, that is behave as they want her to behave.

Song Meaning
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Someone talking to someone else who is in a psychiatrict hospital.

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What goes on in the background when your not paying attention. People are trying to help, but they can't touch what you're feeling.

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