28 Meanings
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Doomsday Stomp Lyrics

Let's play a little game
On scribbled paper
You guess the letters
And I'll draw the hanging man

Hint number one is
Five letters inscribed over
The lips of eyeless woman
Asking me for needles and a thread to sew her head back together again
She reaches forward
And grabs ahold of my sleeve
Her antennae wrap around me
Her lungs infect me as she breathes...

The roadkill scent of violent city

Oh swollen anthill sore
Insects desperate cries
Oh infected for
Doomsday stomp from the skies

This town made its guesses
But can't spell her own name
A five letter word for the oncoming plague
A stick figure dangling from stoplight grave
28 Meanings
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why is the 5 letter word "death"? i got the impression it would be "whore", a reference to the whore of babylon in the bible, which would make sense cos the song seems to be about the apocalypse, and its used in connection with the woman. in the bible cities and countries are often referred to as prostitutes. im often wrong about song meanings but this one seems pretty straightforward: the world has run out of chances and now God will stomp it out like an anthill. the references to hangman are an illustration of the opportunities the world had to save itself, but so many wrong guesses have ultimately condemned it. the "roadkill scent of violent city" probably refers to how the world stinks to God because of the evil and killing being done there. the fact that the word is the town's name only makes sense to me if the word is "whore" or something similar, but then im never right on things like this. the plagues are probably the ones unleashed on the world in the book of revelation.

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According to Project's short-lived podcast, this song is about the band briefly living in Long Beach, and being happy to leave it. And I had thought it was something really profound.

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i really like ominousoat and bewareofthesnowman's theory of it being about the whore of babylon.

however, if it isn't as profound as we think it is then schwab is probably out there somewhere, reading these and laughing at us pathetic fans groping for some hint of meaning in these lyrics. (he has said before that he really isn't a "spiritual guru", after all.) i sure as heck hope that's not true, though.

here's my personal view: i really like said theory because it really does seem to fit very well and it gives the song a powerful meaning. total agreement, i love it, many kudos to you guys.


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Let's play a little game On scribbled paper You guess the letters And I'll draw the hanging man

[The game of hangman, you have so many chances until you lose, the world has had it's chances, and will still have many more but eventually will run out]

Hint number one is Five letters inscribed over The lips of eyeless woman [I agree with snowman, this does begin fitting the profile of "The Whore of Babylon" mentioned in Revelations, there's multiple beliefs on what it refers to, but I think it refers to society as a whole, so the word "Whore" is branded all over the blind society which has rejected a jealous God, read Habbakuk where God refers to Isreal as a whore which rejected him.] Asking me for needles and a thread to sew her head back together again

[A quick fix, not searching for God, searching for a stop gap solution]

She reaches forward And grabs ahold of my sleeve Her antennae wrap around me Her lungs infect me as she breathes...

[Not sure, perhaps the enticement of the world and society as a whole?]

The roadkill scent of violent city

[Pretty straightforward, it reeks of death and disgustingness]

Oh swollen anthill sore

[Putting us in perspective, existentially speaking we are nothing more than insects meaninglessly playing out our lives all while death is hovering above our heads]

Insects desperate cries

[Once society realizes it's chances are up, it'll repent "Every Knee Shall Bow"]

Oh infected for Doomsday stomp from the skies

[The Stomp is coming for them.]

This town made its guesses But can't spell her own name

[Helps out the "Whore" theory a bit]

A five letter word for the oncoming plague A stick figure dangling from stoplight grave

[Chances are up]

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I talked to the Schwab after the Chicago show of the Scream the Prayer Tour last night. My guess was that the 5-letter word is Stomp, just because that seems like the obvious choice. However, Schwab says that the word is Death and that the song is about Long Beach, CA.

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so... what's the five letter word and what is this song referring to? buy the way, THIS SONG IS HOT!!!!!!!!!!

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five letter word= death. Does anyone have any idea what he's talking about when he says "stick figure dangling from stoplight grave"?

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I think he means that the person that's 'guesing' the word is about to die because the stick figure is almost finished, in which the game hangman is lost when the figure is finished.

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The five letter word is Death and this song is referring to the plague that is mentioned in the christian bible and Im going along with Geeraffs answer to the "Stick Figure" concept as well. "This town made its guesses But can't spell her own name." Is talking about how some people with different beliefs during the plauge and tried their rituals how it cost them dearly... it said somewhere i believe something int he context of 'smear the blood of the innocent over the entrance of which you live and I shall not enter' or something like that I really can't remember the full scripture

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aaahhh....yeah I wouldn't know about the bible plague thing...but sounds good enough to me

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