3 Meanings
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The World Devourers Lyrics

The massive gallery of killing tools,
A mad number of technological miracles.
Weapons not only kill their targets,
They also kill those who pull the triggers.
Violence, the language of the weak.

Let the pen be mightier, than the sword.

Wartime absurdity,
Is economical prosperity,
Greed over conscience.
Mothers weep over their dead son's bodies,
While prices are increasing in stock.
One man's sorrow is another man's pleasure.
Is that it?

All these victims of greed and loss,
You cannot forget, all these pictures.
A soldiers innocence,
Devoured by fierce memories.

Let the pen be mightier, than the sword.
Tamed, Deceived,
Enslaved by power.
Lost devoured,
Consumed with trauma.
Enslaved by power,
The World Devourers
3 Meanings
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I agree with you! This is an anti-war song and my favorite Neaera song too. "Violence, the language of the weak" is my favorite line. It is always easier to destroy than create. You can wipe out an entire city with mass destruction weapons in one day, but to build a city it takes many years. People who choose violence are to weak to find a better solution. Real might is to create, but not to destroy: "Let the pen be mightier, than the sword"

P.S. "The pen is mightier than the sword" is a metonymic adage coined by Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839 for his play Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy.

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why havn't anyone commented this excelent song? as everyone who arn't dumb and/or blind can see this is an anti-war song

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Only thing to note is destructiveness is in human nature... Ever since the beginning we have been fighting and killing each other. Then take note that we destroy the earth to build these cities you speak of, these cities are nothing more then concrete and glass that will wear down and disappear soon enough. But as to war, well its not going away, when one ends another starts lol

Is human's nature inherently good?

For the majority, no. Then again, it depends on the side your standing. Those that are said to be creators/builders/visionaries are only destroying such things as the environment (massive cities of steel, concrete, glass, mass pollution and dumping grounds for waste), Our willingness to work (technology is making us lazy), which our "need" for resources causes first world countries to take from third world = War/hatred/destruction.

Simply, the human species cannot live without consuming/destroying whether it be ourselves or something else.

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