54 Meanings
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From the Ritz to the Rubble Lyrics

Last night these two bouncers
And one of em's alright
The other one's the scary one
His way or no way, totalitarian

He's got no time for you
Looking or breathing
How he don't want you to

So step out the queue
He makes examples of you
And there's now you can say
Behind they go through to the bit where you pay
And you realize then that it's finally the time
To walk back past ten thousand eyes in the line

And you can swap jumpers and make another move
Instilled in your brain you've got something to prove
To all the smirking faces and the boys in black
Why can't they be pleasant?
Why can't they have a laugh?

He's got his hand in your chest
He wants to give you a duff
Well secretly I think they want it all to kick off
They want, arms flying everywhere and
Bottles as well it's just
Something to talk about
A story to tell you

Well I'm so glad they turned us all away we'll put it down to fate
I said a thousand million things that I could never say this morning
Got too deep, but how deep is too deep?
This town's a different town today
This town's a different town to what it was last night
You couldn't have done that on a Sunday

That girl's a different girl today
Said that girl's a different girl to her you kissed last night
You couldn't have done that on a Sunday

Well I'm so glad they turned us all away we'll put it down to fate
I said a thousand million things that I could never say this morning
Got too deep, but how deep is too deep?
Last night what we talked about
It made so much sense
But now the haze has ascended
It don't make no sense anymore
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54 Meanings

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Cover art for From the Ritz to the Rubble lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

It's about a night out. The first half is about Hitler-esque bouncers who let their "power" go their head. The second half is about getting drunk and remembering what you did in the morning.

Actually, i think it's about this guy who tries to get inside a club by skipping to the front of the line, i imagine, but the bouncers(guys who prevent troublemakers) didnt let him inside to make an example of him and due to the embarrasment( walk past ten thousand eyes in the light) of walking back to the beginning of the line is too much, so he swaps jumpers( changes clothes probably to trick them) and becomes completely determined (instilled in you brain) because he wants to prove to all the smirking faces and boys in black( smirking faces=people in...

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Cover art for From the Ritz to the Rubble lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

When i listened to this song i didn't think of heroin at all.

I just think he is decsribing a night out on the town. He goes out gets really pissed and then the next morning he is reflecting on how differently he behaved in comparison to how he would normally. He realises how events would have been different and conversations may have never happened were he sober.

'This town's a different town today This town's a different town to what it was last night You couldn't have done that on a Sunday'

This is sooo true!!

Cover art for From the Ritz to the Rubble lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

I'm sorry but this song is just stunning. People might think 'oh he's just talking about going out.' but try writing lyrics about that without sounding like a ponce, very hard to do and Alex Turner nails it every time

So what do the lyrics mean? If he's not "just talking about going out" why not explain it to us. (I for one have no clue about these lyrics:)

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Cover art for From the Ritz to the Rubble lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

raptor trax 'Got too deep, but how deep is too deep' I think this refers to that when you're drunk you will say things to a girl that you wouldn't when your sober, but how deep is too deep? i.e. It's probably all for the best as drink tells the truth.

Cover art for From the Ritz to the Rubble lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

"swap jumpers and make another move" can anyone tell me what is the meaning of that phrase?

Heres my interpretation: Hes talking about how he was just kicked out of the line for getting into a club and the bouncers are making fun of him and now hes embarassed as everyone else watched him get kicked out of the line into the club.

"So step out the queue He makes examples of you And there's nowt you can say Behind they go through to the bit where you pay And you realise then that it's finally the time To walk back past ten thousand eyes in the line"

Finally he says "And you can swap...

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Sometimes when you don't get into clubs you swap jumpers with another person and cue up to get back in the club in hope that the bouncers won't recognise you so I think that's what he's talking about here

@degas jumper is slang for sweater in the UK. He just means switching something you're wearing (probably with someone else) and then trying to get past the bouncer.

Cover art for From the Ritz to the Rubble lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

first comment for an amazing song by an amazing band :D

this is such a god damn catchy song, about such a real life subject, this band is genius. no need to say its meaning it is very obvious. what a song

Cover art for From the Ritz to the Rubble lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

what coroar said

Cover art for From the Ritz to the Rubble lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

I was sort of joking about the heroin. There isn't much to dissect in this song, it's all there.

Cover art for From the Ritz to the Rubble lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

i bet you were mate. it is about a night out. the bastard bouncers, the getting drunk, it not making any sense in the morning. its soooo obvious. add me potts12@hotmail.com cheers xxx

Cover art for From the Ritz to the Rubble lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

this is such an awesome song! the beginning is brilliant! arctic monkeys rock!!!!!!!