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A Last Farewell Lyrics

Everyone's dying, I feel it inside me
I wish I got to say goodbye, still there's no more time
you'd wipe the tear off from my eye, and soothe me

I'd call, to tell you how I'm doing
and you'd smile, to tell me you're alright
but you're gone, and starting new beginnings
just wish I got to say goodbye

To safely say that it's not right, it's not your time
and turn back time so you're alright, tonight
To hold your hand, stand by your side
stay up all night, and feel your heart beat close to mine

I'd call, to tell you how I'm doing
and you'd smile, to tell me you're alright
but you're gone, and starting new beginnings
just wish I got to say goodbye

I wish I could have seen her leaving,
Wish I could have held her hand
I wish I could have seen her leaving
wish someone would understand
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Cover art for A Last Farewell lyrics by Lovehatehero

pierrick, lead singer write the songs on this album about his sister's life and this is just an example of it

Cover art for A Last Farewell lyrics by Lovehatehero

i didn't know it was about his sister. that is a sad song.

Cover art for A Last Farewell lyrics by Lovehatehero

What happened to his sister? Sad but great song.

Cover art for A Last Farewell lyrics by Lovehatehero

I have met the guys in the band. Such an awesome band and an Awesome Album. They are recording there follow up right now. Anyways.... His sister got herself into drugs and other trouble, and i believe she o/d but i dont believe she died.

Cover art for A Last Farewell lyrics by Lovehatehero

LOL i see all the comments from 2005 and i'm thinking why do i always discover the bands so late? TT^TT lol