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Tell Me A Story Lyrics

What must I do but take a holiday
Show me a bill that they can make me pay
Tell me a story
And maybe I'll believe it

Me I'm just a lucky guy
Young and free
Too hard to cry

Lorna from my school she's 21
She's good looking and American so
Tell me a story
Tell me stories
And man I ain't complaining

Me I'm just a lucky guy
Young and hard
Too tough to cry

Standing in a show
The lights ain't low
They're shining down on me
And I like, I like it
Just like I like I like it
I'm taking like I find it

What did they do to chill the joy away
What did they do to say you had to pay
And pay
And pay
Tell me stories
You know I never can believe them
Never ever

Me I'm just a lucky guy
I'm young and free
Too dumb to cry

What must I do to take a holiday
Show me a bill that they can make me pay
Tell me a story
And maybe I'll believe it

Me I'm just a lucky guy
I'm Young and free
Too hard to cry
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Submitted by
joost On Jun 04, 2005
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Cover art for Tell Me A Story lyrics by Iggy Pop

Whenever I listen to this song, I can't say if it's one of those I'm-a-happy-rebel-type songs or rather a sad one, where he just recognises how shit everything is and has no other option that to behave like this. Any opinions?