MFEO: Part 1: Made for Each Other/Part 2: You Can Breathe Lyrics

I swim across an ocean
It's my mattress in the basement
I'm sweatin' out excuses
That would make your stomach turn
The road we drove last night
Stretched from the desert to Las Vegas
We filled our cups, and lit one up
The snow began to burn

Oh, Oh maybe, we were made
We were made for each other
Ahh, is it possible for the
World to look this way forever?
Ahhh, Ahhh...

I talked so much, I'm sure
I didn't realize I'd gone crazy
Didn't catch my bloody nose
Or that my heart tried to explode
I still live with my High School friends
Some people never change at all
We're still the same compulsive drunks
We were when we were small
(Someone get this man to a hospital!)

Ohh, maybe, we were made
We were made for each other
Ahh, is it possible for the
World to look this way forever?
Ahhh, Ahhh...

A long (a long) way to the firework days
But I still like to burn, burn, burn
I'm always (I'm always) in the haze of a car crash
The orange airbag dust covers everything
Oh, everything

And maybe, we were made
We were made for each other
Ahh, is it possible for the
World to look this way forever?
Ahhh, Ahhh...
You can breathe, you can breathe now
You can breathe, but the air is running out
You can breathe, you can breathe now
You can breathe, but the air is running out on you

You waited for me in the rain
In the parking lot
Cold hands, lips blue
Clothes stuck to you
You could have phoned me for a ride
It's a mess out there
you said the rain's the rain
Some air'd be good for you
(you can breathe, you can breathe now)
Well good for you
(you can breathe, but the air is running out

You get in my car
Where its warm
You cannot forget
skin new, hands true
My hands all over you
so whats another night
The seats rolled back
They can't see through
The rains the rain
Some air'd be good for you

You can breathe, you can breathe now
You can breathe, but the air is running out
You can breathe, you can breathe now
You can breathe, but the air is running out on you

And you walked for miles down
The shores of California to the
Coast of Mexico where you could hide
And no one'd have to know

You can breathe, you can breathe now
You can breathe, but the air is running out
You can breathe, you can breathe now
You can breathe, but the air is running out (on you now)

You can breathe, you can breathe now
You can breathe, but the air is running out
You can breathe, you can breathe now
You can breathe, but the air is running out on you
Running out on you

(Maybe, the world can look like this forever)
(You can breathe but the air is running out)
(Maybe, the world can look like this forever)
(Maybe, the world can look like this forever)
(You can breathe but the air is running out)
(Maybe, the world can look like this forever)
Song Info
Submitted by
slowdance104 On May 19, 2005
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Cover art for MFEO: Part 1: Made for Each Other/Part 2: You Can Breathe lyrics by Jack's Mannequin

does anyone else get the "MFEO" acronym for "made for each other" from "sleepless in seattle"? jonah and his friend wrote it at the end of their letter to meg ryan.

Cover art for MFEO: Part 1: Made for Each Other/Part 2: You Can Breathe lyrics by Jack's Mannequin

I'm pissed. I found out about this SoCo side project the day after they toured in Portland. Heart breakers. The songs I've heard so far sound intresting..definatly differnt from SoCo's stuff..but still really good. I can't wait for the Cd.

Cover art for MFEO: Part 1: Made for Each Other/Part 2: You Can Breathe lyrics by Jack's Mannequin

I hope and pray there isn't an erruption about the 'hints' in this song here too. =S

Cover art for MFEO: Part 1: Made for Each Other/Part 2: You Can Breathe lyrics by Jack's Mannequin

haha... i love this song so much. Andrew is way too catchy. I dont even care if people think its sounds like SoCo.. more bands by Andrew means more songs... and thats fine with me

Cover art for MFEO: Part 1: Made for Each Other/Part 2: You Can Breathe lyrics by Jack's Mannequin

hah. exactly.

i loooove this song... i set it as my alarm so i wake up to it every morning =D its a gooood song to wake up to, trust me.

Cover art for MFEO: Part 1: Made for Each Other/Part 2: You Can Breathe lyrics by Jack's Mannequin

this song is ten times better when you look at the lyrics, this follows nicely in the vien of "Hoiliday From Real" i dont think that this project could have come at a better time in my life if it had tried

is it possible for the world to look this way forever?

Cover art for MFEO: Part 1: Made for Each Other/Part 2: You Can Breathe lyrics by Jack's Mannequin

it gives you so much positive energy while listening to it. the melody is so relaxing. definitely a good song to wake up to. :D

Cover art for MFEO: Part 1: Made for Each Other/Part 2: You Can Breathe lyrics by Jack's Mannequin

I think this song is so amazing, it's just so happy and carefree, Andrew is very talented, and i am in love with both Something Corporate and Jack's Mannequin. And yea, i think this song is about him and his friends, and touring with them and just living the life he's always wanted, it's an amazing song

Cover art for MFEO: Part 1: Made for Each Other/Part 2: You Can Breathe lyrics by Jack's Mannequin

lol its a good waking up song, and i have songs playing during my shower, and its a great shower song lol it just wakes you up and makes you start singing in the shower.. wow lol anyways, its pretty self-explanitory, its pretty much a love song being made for each other, and being happy forever... and then how she can breathe, becuase she can finally relax...

favourite part... skin new, hands true.. my-hands-all-over-you...

Cover art for MFEO: Part 1: Made for Each Other/Part 2: You Can Breathe lyrics by Jack's Mannequin

This song is cheesy and catch as all hell - the little you can breathe part gets in my head every day and practically torments me - but I love it anyway.

But the meaning, well. It seems kind of ironic in a lot of ways. The first part, the made for each other part, seems like it's about how he hasn't changed from who he's always been, how he still has bad habits, etc. The you can breathe part seems like it's about a breakup that just won't end, considering the two people involved keep going back to each other. Like everything's okay for now, but time's running out.

Or maybe that's just me. It's awesome anyway.