Blinking Lights (For Me) Lyrics
Up above the trees
Blinking down a morsecode signal
Especially for me
In the middle of the night
But the signal's coming through
One day I will be alright again
Stopping one by one
Get a look at the accident
Didn't see that one coming
Gonna bring his chopper down
Gonna bring me out alive
And set me on the ground once more again
Up above the trees

this songs about a plane crash that happened in virginia near e's home when he was a child, he ran out on to the street seeing remains of the plane no very nice thought really

To me, this song is about how when things don't feel right, you can just see how everything in life is connected (through the blinking lights, in this case). It kind of brings you back, like the song says about the chopper, "set me on the ground once more again."

The first verse is about looking up at the sky and seeing blinking lights, which he thinks is the white light he mentions in Dead of Winter. The Second verse turns out that he's in an accident, and thats why he thinks he sees the light, and finally the third verse is him getting saved by a doctor in a helicopter.

before i heard the lyrics, first time i heard this song. right five minutes before i thougt.
this dumb beat.. this is how you hear the song under water. and then you come up and feel reality. and see the green gras the sun. the children play around trees and laugh. and sing. and love. like spring.
or the dumb beat at the begin is like when you drive in a tunnel. the lights that run beside on your face when you look outside. bam bam bam bam. and then you come out of the tunnel. like the dark disappears and the sun shines in your face.
for me this song means that you feel new born. the lyrics mean something else but this doesnt matter. the feelings are important.

beautiful song, one of the better songs of his last album

this song gives me the chillllllls...

The picture in the song is quite clear. And this song is very comforting (to me) especially line "one day I will be alright again" which crosses my mind whenever I feel bad