Saved By Zero Lyrics
Saved by zero
I'll be more together
Stretched by fewer
Thoughts that leave me
Chasing utter
My dreams disown me
Loaded with danger
Saved by zero(2x)
Winds that teach me
I will conquer
Space around me
Saved by zero
Saved by zero

I caught the band on MySpace and posed the question: "Saved by Zero, what is it about?" They got back to me pronto. Jamie's response: "Simply, you can't fall from the floor."

The protagonist is "SAVED" by the fact that he can GO no LOWER. He was a failure in free fall...thinking he would ultimately be defeated or destroyed...all his hopes finally crushed ("my dreams disown me")...when he is rescued by the fact that he has HIT absolute bottom (zero), could GO no lower, BEFORE he was destroyed!
Since he reaches bottom (zero) before destruction, that bottom (or lack of anything worse, smaller or lower) provides him with a "floor" of base survival, from which (one hopes) he can...possibly...rise up. Maybe he can even, SOMEDAY, WIN/succeed...having been saved, NOW, by zero!

The song is about what you do not do that can actually save you. We all have the notion of fate and destiny. Think about a close call that you experienced. Fate or not making a decision to do nothing may be your best plan.

I always figured it meant tossing it all out and starting from scratch. clean slate.

In the music video for the song, the artist is saved by not being successful and "selling out" to rich people who have only a shallow understanding of art. It's not clear if he succeeds through failure or by never trying. There's also a "Club Zero" sign on the top of the building, but that's probably just there to help the song title stick in your head. So you can remember what to ask for when you get to the record store.

It could also mean that maybe hitting rock bottom will be when he's saved. (some people succumb to going to zero or below, others have to go that low before they're able to begin their journey back up and better for it) Hitting rock bottom saves many, as their perception shifts, priorities change, and the extra clutter and worries fall away. I saw my father's life saved by hitting rock bottom, down to zero, he had nothing, and he almost died twice. Once by drinking an entire bottle of vodka by the pool, knowing he'd fall in and pass out. His neighbor, by a fluke, came home for lunch, and felt there was something strange, went to my dad's and pulled him out of the pool.. then again, alcohol had him bleeding out internally, his liver was close to failing and he lost everything... When he was in the hospital he realized he hit rock bottom, and "the big man upstairs" had bigger plans for him, so he ended up staying sober, getting back on track, and pursuing what he loved, teaching, instead of being a Wall Street Lawyer. He's still alive and now happy, but it took going through hell and hitting ZERO, rock bottom to save him. Again, he was alone, and the only one who could save himself, but being so low forced him to get back up and way above zero. He did, and succeeded.

It's Buddhism. Saved by zero, saved by nothing, salvation through Nirvana. Maybe someday fewer thoughts...

According to Cy Curnin it's about "doing away with encumbrances. Zero is the point of relaxation.” great song from a great underappreciated band.

"I will conquer space around me"-YEAH I'm gonna take over a couch next!!!

Saved by Zero made the airwaves at a time when disco was dominating. It was so fresh and new. I fell it love with it instantly. I have seen them in concert three times. I believe I read a quip somewhere that Saved By Zero meant "don't look to us for the answers". We are all trying to figure this meaning of life. Narrow is the gate.