149 Meanings
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DARE Lyrics

it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up
it's dare

it's dare

you've got to press it on you
you just think it
that's what you do baby
hold it down there

jump with them all and move it
jump back and forth
and feel like you were there yourself
work it out

never did no harm
never did no harm

it's dare

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149 Meanings

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Cover art for DARE lyrics by Gorillaz

Well, i think to understand this song, you have to look at the album as one song with multiple movements. (well at least that's helped me understand it better) At the beginning your stranded in a terrible place, people everywhere are dead, children need guns to protect themselves, everything is bleak, no nature is left.

I'm not really sure how to explain dirty harry to all alone, but i guess i'll just make an (kinda) educated guess.

The use of children in dirty harry is to signify the same message as in kids with guns, and it's kinda a representation of your own innocence, while still needing an immoral sort of protection (a gun). The use of a choir instead of just one child may also be used to signify that your in a group of sorts. Feel good inc. might represent how people are telling you to change yourself because bad is the new good (So all you fill the streets it's appealing to see | You wont get out the county, 'cos you're bad and free), and how you change so much, your group (being summer? cuz i mean summer is a nice warm season, and i guess being with a group of your friends and family is a warm sensation right?. ) can barely recognize you (el manana [summer don't know me no more]). You and your band travel around, finding everything you come across dead. (every planet we reach is dead) Then you do something really bad (november has come) and you find yourself all alone (guess what song!).

I think i kinda understand all alone and the rest of the album from here though.

Then you see two paths, one delving deeper into the darkness, and one heading into the light (white light). The DARE is when you're deciding which path to follow.

The explanation of DARE: So the way I see it, the "protagonist" of the album has chosen the path to absolution, but he's still feeling the urges of his old, bad self (it's coming up,...). But he's trying to repress those urges (You've got to press it on you). And he's trying to think of a way to quell his urges, so he thinks about it, and creates the sensation he got from it (you just think it, thats what you do baby. hold it down DARE [which is supposed to be there, as i've heard{there as in, deep inside your soul}]). Then his evil side saying, it never did anything bad. (never did no harm). And the songs basically him fighting it out with himself.

Fire Coming out of the Monkey's Head is either a flashback, or another, more apocalyptic catastrophe that occurs, in which the protagonist reaches the site where it's happening. Then he realizes that he's really been living in a hell, and he can either choose to stay in the hell or fling himself in the volcano to get out of it. His evil side tries to tell him to stay (Don't go over the edge, you'll make a big mistake). He decides to jump in the volcano and ignored his evil side (i took a line but it wasn't with you). Then he goes to heaven and is greeted by a choir of angels who absolve him of his sins and let him into heaven.

At least thats my interpretation, and i am only a teenager, but i hope it strikes a chord with some people.

My Interpretation

:I i dont fully agree on how you think about the album to sum the album up, i think its about how rotten our society has or may become (let me explain this pessimistic view) now i want to describe my thoughts on each songs as short as possible

intro: there is just one line in the intro:" we are now entering the harmonic world" while very unharmonic music plays. a person who seems to talk to ppl tries to tell them how see things, instead of letting them decide 2.last living souls: i think that one is obvious 3.kids with guns:...

  • intro: there is just one line in the intro:" we are now entering the harmonic world" while very unharmonic music plays. a person who seems to talk to ppl tries to tell them how see things, instead of letting them decide 2.last living souls: i think that one is obvious 3.kids with guns: is about the younger generation, what bad decisions they make and how that threatens us 4.o green world: i think thats obvious too 5.dirty harry: i think this one is about child soldiers or very young soldiers, the album art but also the video shows kids and weapons in the desert, which could be an iraq refference
  • feel good inc. : shows how money corrupts, the band build a tower and party hard, but 2D seems to be somehow unhappy, outside is noodles who doesnt get influenced by the money 7.el manana: "the dawn" i think its about a dying soldier (possibly again iraq? there is however the reaper hanging from a heli on the album art and in the video theres a heli shooting a mill until it crumbles, the singer prays 8.every planet we reach is dead: this is about loosing the soul, so its a bit like 2. there is even something about that in the gorillaz book "rise of the ogre" 9.november has come: is i think the "november" of humanity the moment before it end ("december"), its about a guy who takes drugs doesnt seem happy, sees that people dont behave how they should (even the nuns) 10.all alone: yea i dont know if i really get that one, with the popeye stuff and some ppl say its about bush and so...just got me confused 11.white light: describes the use of drugs white light and alcohol get repeated over and over in something like a party-mood. then it kicks in and you hear those soft and calm sounds thats the piece of peace you wanted, thats why you take drugs 12.dare: this is the only song that doesnt fit into the album, but at least i have a theory why, "people" is a pre-version of this song and is on d-sides so maybe they just put it in. if thats not the case i´d say its again just about party and dancing (althought that isnt really bad, so it would fit into the story) but i think this link could help a lot to explain the song meaning (its pretty dull, just exists so that you want to dance): http://gorillaz.wikia.com/wiki/Noodle%27s_%22Dare%22_interview 13.Fire is coming out of a monkeys head: shit is going down here, most important song!!! we are the happyfolk in this song, the strangefolk arrives like soldiers, jumping out of planes and shooting "us", but i think thats more like a refference, i think the strangefolk are people with power, people in the industry and politicians, we dont see them, they are in their area and we cant know what the people in their offices in their skyscrapers are doing, but they are secretly using us for their own good. they destroy nature (the mountain) to get its riches (the jewels) but the happyfolk starts feeling bad, it dreams bad, it sees darkness coming from the mountain, they know something is going wrong, but they dont know what or how to stop it, then the wholes appear and the wind chills down their souls (these are the consequences from exploiting the nature and urbanization of pretty much everything we see) it all ends with war, the mountain explodes the greed was to big and we are all doomed because of that. 14.dont get lost in heaven: this song even quotes 13. because this is the follow up, very much lines about drugs are here, but more important he sees dead ppl (deaths from the war) and "cracks on the corner" i think its cracks and not crack the drug, the crack shows that he sees mistakes we made but thinks its too late to fix it "dont get lost in heaven" and all that stuff about the fences symbolize the past, gorillaz arent religious its not about the christian heaven
  • demon days: the demon days are the days that follow, its says that a nice person hardly can survive now, meaning that humanity now really became an unfriendly destructive turd on the surface of the planet earth!
  • i hope you like it and/or agree with me!!! sry if theres bad grammar, i wrote this at 2:23 am and didnt sleep much last night

    And the reason it's called DARE is because the abbreviation is Drug Abuse Resistance Education? Lol, that would make sense, I guess.

    Interesting. Gorillaz interpretations are often vague, but I think this is worth reading.

    Cover art for DARE lyrics by Gorillaz

    Dude fuck the meaning.

    makes me wanna strip naked and run in slow mo around my neighborhood.

    anyone esle?

    Hell yes!

    Not Valid

    Ha, Me Too! Hey yo :)

    Not Valid

    haha u weirdos!

    Not Valid
    Cover art for DARE lyrics by Gorillaz

    While the song is sexy the words and video do not appear directly sexy. Overall impressions derive from mixed media and sensations. Feels like abstract art or pure homo sapien research and development. Phrases that stick out include "you have to press it on you" and "work it out" "like you were there yourself". One interpretation may suggest the artists is recommending the listener to "experience the moment" jump with the moon (symbol of the subconscious) and live life for you! Just an idea.

    Song Meaning
    Cover art for DARE lyrics by Gorillaz

    When Blur first started they released an album entitled Leisure. It followed a long line of madchester-styled bands of the time but showed glimpses of pure brilliance, pour example Sing, any Albarn newcomers, get a listen its truly beautiful... Inspiration of Lost? by Coldplay.

    Now, one of the leading bands at the time who were described under the same madchester bracket were The Happy Mondays, fronted by Shaun Ryder who sings vocals on this track.

    Ryder was, and still is so I've heard, a huge influence to Albarn and his work. Albarn according to legend loved the way that Ryder pronounces "there"; ever heard someone say something in an accent and thought "wow that sounds great with his/her voice?

    Well reportedly it was Albarn just admiring his hero and "exploiting" if you like the strengths of a vocalist: in this case, his accent...

    Oh and you lot that think this is about drugs? Ryder may have seen more weed than Alan Titchmarsh but just because a writer does drugs, doesnt mean they write about it? Pete Townshend? David Bowie? Occaisonal defences but nothing concrete... Check out Albarn's past lyrics; Charmless Man, Parklife... Some of the stuff from 13 alludes to his fiancée's addiction but he doesnt seem the type to me.

    Cover art for DARE lyrics by Gorillaz

    Well i have seen most people say its about drugs or sex but i have always thought of this song asa conflict between ones self. like when she says " you have to push it on you" shes kind of pushing her self to do something but she really does not want to. and with the line " never did no harm" shes kinda trying to talk her self into it. As for the "its coming up, its dare" part they added it because when they where recording he asked for the to turn of the head phone and as they where doing so he said " its coming up, it coming up, its there" but there sounded like dare. Lastly the part where she says " act like you where there your self" shes kinda imagining what it would be like if she did do it, but thats just my thoughts on it.

    Song Meaning
    Cover art for DARE lyrics by Gorillaz

    why not my friends is the question.

    Cover art for DARE lyrics by Gorillaz

    okay, I just read the rest of comments, yes it is definitely about masturbastion.

    Cover art for DARE lyrics by Gorillaz

    Ha, much love for Shaun Ryder! I think Peterenton is right about the meaning as well. It's nostalgic.

    Cover art for DARE lyrics by Gorillaz

    Great song, one of the bests tracks on Demon Days... but I like Miho Hatori as Noodle more than the woman they used for this...

    Cover art for DARE lyrics by Gorillaz

    i think the whole masterbation/sex idea is great it fits the song and its just so fucking funny!