54 Meanings
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All the Wine Lyrics

I'm put together beautifully
Big wet bottle in my fist, big wet rose in my teeth
I'm a perfect piece of ass
Like every Californian
So tall I take over the street, with high beams shining on my back
A wingspan unbelievable
I'm a festival, I'm a parade

And all the wine is all for me
And all the wine is all for me
And all the wine is all for me

I'm a birthday candle in a circle of black girls
God is on my side
'Cause I'm the child bride
I'm so sorry but the motorcade will have to go around me this time
'Cause God is on my side
And I'm the child bride

And all the wine is all for me
And all the wine is all for me
And all the wine is all for me

I carry the dollhouse, safe on my shoulders
Through the black city, night lights are on in the corners
And everyone's sleeping upstairs
All safe and sound
All safe and sound, I won't the let psychos around
All safe and sound, I won't let the psychos around

I'm in a state, I'm in a state
Nothing can touch us my love
I'm in a state, I'm in a state
Nothing can touch us my love
54 Meanings
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A Man in drunken self believe stumbles drunk, bottle in hand, with a smashed up mouth. He keeps telling himself he's wonderful A car comes past, the beams cast his shadow up on to a wall which amuses him. He throws his arms out and spins in drunken joy. This is his wine He gets surrounded by a group of black girls who are probably laughing at him, he's the centre of attention for a moment and then stumbles into the street, a car honks its horn, he won't get out of the way. He's the centre of attention. He picks up an abandoned doll's house which is going to be a gift for the kid he's abandoned. The alcohols drives his belief he can protect as he arrives at his old house bearing his gifted. He meets his ex on the porch declaring in a drunken ramble that they will be fine.

My Interpretation

I really like this interpretation.

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Okay. Some people have said similar stuff... I have a feeling it's about a man who's having an unusually inspired/optimistic moment, in a sort of melancholic way. He's just having this great moment, a sort of momentary insanity thing, when he thinks he's not that bad (feeling attractive, social, etc.), that god is in his side, that he can mend things with everyone, and everything is going to be okay. Walking around with this sudden strong confidence, like the world was made for him, thinking that he's capable to do everything he wants to. It's momentary and totally delusional. It could be caused by drinking or taking drugs, but not necessarily.

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The narcissist is just a little too obvious for me. I feel like there is a deeper meaning to this song rather than this guy thinking he is awesome. ok suggestion: The guy is depressed because nothing is going right in his life. The songs portrays how he would like to see himself. This is him trying to make his life seem like it is worth something. I dont think it is about young Jesus getting drunk.

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There's definitely a clear literal interpretation to this - Matt Berninger, every single live performance, goes through a hell of a lot of wine because otherwise he gets major stagefright, whereas the old vino makes him feel much more confident.

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He starts off being a happy drunk, of sorts. By the third verse though "I carry the dollhouse..." We start to see the story unfold. The dollhouse represents the people he loves, perhaps a family. It's a lot of pressure to have to carry a family on your back as the narrator is doing. It is here we realize the pomposity of the first two verses was a result of the narrator drinking away the pressure, the alcohol is his only escape from reality.

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I think it might be about being a narcissist and going on a date bottle of wine in his hand and a rose in his teeth and he thinks he's so good looking

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I like to think that this is a song about new love. I think the narrator has just met someone new, and this person makes him feel like he is on top of the world, contrary to what he may have thought before. I think that in the last two verses, he is saying that he will protect what they have recently acquired. Moreover he will protect this girl from whatever dangers lie ahead, "All safe and sound, I won't the let psychos around". "I'm in a state, I'm in a state Nothing can touch us my love" just means that he is so madly in love with this girl mothing can bring him or her down.

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I respect the idea that the character is simply having a blissful moment inspired by alcohol, but am unsure that this is the way I want to interpret the song.

I believe that this song is laced in painful heartache. The main character lost a woman he loved to another man, a man who appears to be superior in every way. Thus the lyrics are noting this distaste for the other man's attributes: who he is, what he appears to be - and it's everything that the singer is not. A perfect piece of ass, wingspan unbelievable, etc. He's singing out of spite, out of sadness, longing to be both this individual while wishing to distance himself from everything he's describing. This other man has God on his side. He'll be a provider, he'll carry the dollhouse, he'll be with and everything to the woman that the main character loves.

I know it's an odd sort of spin, but listen to it again. It's amazing how it hurts like hell.

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I'm a bit torn by two meanings:

One is simply alcohol. The guy thinks he's great because he's smashed, and can't tell what the hell is going on, but just sees himself as an awesome dude and the center of attention.

The second meaning would be a melancholy perfect town/setting/person. Kind of a fake suburban society. With words like "dollhouse", "safe sleeping upstairs", I kinda get the feeling of a friendly, homogenized, sanitary society. This person is perfect, in a creepy way. No hardships to write and talk about.

My Interpretation
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I know its about him being drunk feeling on top of the world because of it, but im probably wrong cuz a lot of it still doesn't make sense.

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