11 Meanings
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Incomplete Is A Leech Lyrics

unless you can part my ribs like the sea
and make stone beat, then there's no hope for me

unless the east never meets the west
unless you set my sin between your shoulderblades
and forget

part my ribs like the sea and change me
'cause stone doesn't beat
and rock hearts don't pump anything
but i've grown not to mind because at least
stone doesn't sling like blood
or spill like guts across the floor
where the bloodsuckers want more and more and more
11 Meanings
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This is probably my favourite song off the album. Such incredible imagery.

I think this song is talking about, obviously, having a heart of stone, and being closed off to God, and emotion and feeling. He can no longer feel, he can no longer love because of all the things he has done wrong, all the hurt he has experienced. Unless God can carry the weight of all his sins and forgive him, ('set my sin between your shoulderblades and forget') then he can never change.

But I love the next bit. He's grown used to being emotionless and empty, because at least then he no longer has to give of himself to all the bloodsuckers, the ones who constantly consume all his love and energy. He no longer has to love and lose, he simply just does not love at all.

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"unless you set my sin between your shoulderblades and forget" amazing

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i agree it took me a little while to understand this song. What an awsome song "stone doesn't sling like blood or spill like guts across the floor where the bloodsuckers want more and more and more" It so great how this song goes along with " The Blood Sucker PT. II"

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it's pretty obvious when you think about it.

"...and make stone beat..."

The stone is the writer's heart. He says unless God can make his heart beat (which He obviously can), then there's no hope for him.

"part my ribs like the sea and change me"

...It's obvious what he means there, and those are great lyrics by the way...

"'cause stone doesn't beat and rock hearts don't pump anything but i've grown not to mind because at least stone doesn't sling like blood or spill like guts across the floor"

The writer knows that the things of the world (and his sins) make it to where his rock/stone heart doesnt pump anything (as in he has the wrong things in his heart)...

But he has "grown not to mind" because God, through His grace, allows him to keep breathing, and at least his stone heart "doesn't sling like blood or spill like blood across the floor."

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though they are religious, I don't believe they're making a statement about God's grace in this song. although I do agree with everything else the post above me stated. "unless the east never meets the west"| sunset, I think this is another statement comparing a lover to the sun, and he's saying "unless your light never leaves me"

"unless you set my sin between your shoulder blades and forget"| unless you carry the weight of the knowledge of my wrong doings and leave them in the past.

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Songwriterwinsagain, I think that the "unless east never meets the west" line is a reference to Psalm103:12 - "As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us."

I think that the writer is saying that there is no hope for him unless what the Psalms say is true and his sins are thrown far away from him. If the east does meet the west then he has no eternal hope.

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To the reference of how it fits with Bloodsucker Pt. 2:

This song is referred to as Bloodsucker pt 1.

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playitloud I don't think there's necessarily a resolution in this song (I think it comes later on in the album)

I think the verse

"but i've grown not to mind because at least stone doesn't sling like blood or spill like guts across the floor where the bloodsuckers want more and more and more "

maybe is talking about being numb and that having a "stone" heart is the easy way out... because when you're truly following Christ and rejecting sin, life isn't necessarily easy

"stone <- staying in sin and not changing

doesn't sling like blood or spill like guts across the floor" <-difficult/real life of following Christ

I open to being completely wrong, but that's my spin on it

Anyway this is an amazing song about how Grace can change even the hardest of hears

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i hole this song close to my heart. beautiful

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