14 Meanings
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Admission: Regret Lyrics

So I hear there's a whole world out there
But I've grown to love this bed too much to leave it
If love really drives out fear
Then I pray it's her voice I've been hearing outside my door

One more time, love, won't you come remind me
I'm someone believed in
I'm someone still within your reach
Cause all I've got is sleep
Against my fear of being swept away
By the wind, the undertow, and thought


So I hear there's a whole world out there
But I've grown to love this bed too much to leave it
I keep hearing about this world out there
Come untie me from this bed
Come untie me from the wicked things I love

Awake! awake in the company of men given something to say
Give me a servant's heart and a tongue to obey
Awake! come wind
Awake! come thought
Tired head, take up your mat
Take your mat and walk
14 Meanings
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this song is amazing. "Give me a servants heart and a tongue to obey", beautiful.

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this song is incredible my favorite part is give me a servents heart and a tongue to obey such amazing requests for any human who can apply there life to falling into temptation yes as cities burn is fantastic. as the tears fall down my face i cry because as cities burn is saying goodbye and that is a very tragic ordeal to handle but there music will live on inside my heart. As Cities Burn rest in peace. so very very sad

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totally amazing song. in every way. the Lord has definitely reached ACB!

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and yeah in my opinion this song is the best on the album

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"So I hear there's a whole world out there But I've grown to love this bed too much to leave it If love really drives out fear Then I pray it's her voice I've been hearing outside my door"

1 John 4:18

18There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

He's referring to this verse I believe

Basically he is in love with his sin so much that he doesn't want to leave it, and is perhaps scared of being honest, or scared of trusting God completely.

"One more time, love, won't you come remind me I'm someone believed in I'm someone still within your reach Cause all I've got is sleep Against my fear of being swept away By the wind, the undertow, and thought"

He's asking love (ie God) to show him that there's still hope and grace for him, cause he's afraid of where he is and how he's consumed in sin

"Awake! awake in the company of men given something to say Give me a servant's heart and a tongue to obey"

Obeying God

"Tired head, take up your mat Take your mat and walk"

Luke 20

20When Jesus saw their faith, he said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven."

21The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, "Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?"

22Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, "Why are you thinking these things in your hearts? 23Which is easier: to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'? 24But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins...." He said to the paralyzed man, "I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home." 25Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God.

(read the full story here biblegateway.com/passage/;)

So "Tired head, take up your mat Take your mat and walk" could refer to him having his sins forgiven

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ok first off, not only is it the best song on the album, it has the best intro, the best breakdown, and the best guest singer of like all in its genre (posthardcore). And for those who dont kno, Josh Scogin (ex-Norma Jean, current The Chariot vocalist) is the guest vocalist. He actually produces the album.

the songs about addiction to temptations, and he who is addicted shouting out for someone t help him. He does this because he REGRETs the stuff he's done in the past and wants to turn a new.

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Scogin didn't produce the whole album. He only produced "The Widow" (which is strange because it's the softest one on the album). Matt Goldman produced the rest. Look in the little booklet.

Good song, though.

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perhaps it's about a kid who's coming to grips that his lover is no longer feeling the same about their relationship. Begging her to come remind him that he's loved and that she believes in their love, and perhaps he sees this.. saying "I hear there's a whole world out there" but he does nothing, and wants to hold onto this love that's deteriorating.

"So I hear there's a whole world out there But I've grown to love this bed too much to leave it I keep hearing about this world out there Come untie me from this bed Come untie me from the wicked things I love "

That right there says it all to me..

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im a bit late on this, but in response to redux zero: id take it as somebody was heartsick after a relationship, and wanted somebody back, and is proving that he will do everything and anything to prove his worthyness

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I'm going to go with xcrazy and nobodies on this one. I don't think the love being mentioned is a past love like a girl or anything, but rather a much deeper love. When he mentions "her voice" I think that is just like using the female characteristic for Mother Earth or any other female terms like that. It's not really a girl.

Basically the song is about someone so used to, so tied up in everyday temptations and habits that they are getting fed up with it. But they are crying out for help because they have heard about that there is another way of life than what is handed to us everyday. The line "give me a servants heart and a tongue to obey" pretty much gives the song the final aspect of the main message being a religious message of the cry being from a man unto God.

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