8 Meanings
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Legendary Lyrics

I know you've given all that you could give to me
i know there will come a day i'll understand
until then i'll be trying to solve your mystrery
and wonder why i couldnt make you stay

smiling through denial, my specialty
i thought that was a good thing for a while
you gave me all your secrets, were you testing me?

how could i do anything but smile
reinact your legendary tragedy
and do to me what has been done to you

is that the only point to all this misery?
is ther any reason i should cry?

heal, it takes time and you gave me all you had
i know in time i will believe that i loved you
did you love me?
did you love me?

heal, it takes time and you gave me all you had
i know in time i will believe that i loved you
did you love me?
you loved me
Song Info
Submitted by
zilla877 On Apr 09, 2005
8 Meanings
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"smiling through denial, my specialty"

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Oh my lord.. no words can explain the amazing-ness of this song.

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Im so glad the lyrics finaly got posted. I acutally went to submit them but when I did someone already had put them in..

Anyways, Such a great great song. it was also featured on the OC, So it should bring Lou Barlow some attention that he deserves..

On to the meaning, I think its someone just looking back on a broken up relationship, thinking about it and although he is alright now, he still isnt fully over her. Here's a couple parts in the song which i think are amazing..

"I know you've given all that you could give to me i know there will come a day i'll understand"

The relationship was good, but then she lost what she had for you, the love just ran out? She broke up with out a real reason, making you confused..

"smiling through denial, my specialty i thought that was a good thing for a while"

I think this means, after the break up, when you put on a brave face and still kind of smile or act happy around that person, to make them think that your fine.

"you gave me all your secrets, were you testing me?" Maybe she confided things in him which she should know would hurt him, eg: telling him about relationships shes having now

"reinact your legendary tragedy and do to me what has been done to you"

Im puzzled with this part, any ideas?

"here it takes time and you gave me all you had i know in time i will believe that i loved you did you love me? you loved me" This part is straight forward and sung so beautifully.

I really hope with the popularity of the OC bringing people this song that we will get some good talkin' goin on aboot it. Its a beautiful song, if you can relate listen to it outside at night while looking at the stars... It really gets ya.

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When I was listening, I was having a tough time trying to figure out between it being "Here" or "Heal" as the word before "it takes time." I could of swore it was Heal. But its all good, either one makes sense.

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a beautiful song that really has meanng

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i think linebacker37 is right i think it is heal. when i think about it that would make more sense... sorry i posted it wrong

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Yeah, it's "Heal". They lyrics are all on Lou's homepage. loobiecore.com

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ok there, fixed

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