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On The Other Hand Lyrics

On one hand I count the reasons I could stay with you
And hold you close to me all night long
So many lovers’ games I’d love to play with you
On that hand there’s no reason why it’s wrong

But on the other hand there’s a golden band
To remind me of someone who would not understand
On one hand I could stay and be your loving man
But the reason I must go is on the other hand

In your arms I feels the passions I thought had died
When I looked into your eyes I found myself
And when I first kissed your lips I felt so alive
I’ve got to hand it to your girl, you’re something else


Yeah, the reason I must go is on the other hand
4 Meanings
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Pretty straightforward, its about a married man who is having an affair.

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this song is kinda disturbing to me b/c my dad used to sing it to me while i sat in his lap although im sure he didnt mean nething by it.....

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Marriage is a continual battle between the two hands.

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i think his marraige has started gettin to the point where it's dead. and he's having this affair that's makin all the good things come back. but in the back of his head he know's he married and can't do it. prettty amazin song (: i <3333 Randy Travis.

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