Miss Ohio Lyrics
look at Miss Ohio
she's runnin' around with a ragtop down
she says "I wanna do right, but not right now"
and live out this fant-
running around with the ragtop down
"I wanna do right, but not right now"
a regimental soldier
mama starts pushing that wedding gown
yeah, you wanna do right, but not right now
would ya look at Miss Ohio
she's runnin' around with the ragtop down
she says "I wanna do right, but not right now"
you don't have to shout it
I'm gonna straighten it out somehow
yeah, I want to do right, but not right now.
look at Miss Ohio
she's runnin' around with a ragtop down
she says "I wanna do right, but not right now"
oh, I wanna do right but not right now.

A "ragtop" is a convertible top.
Such an awesome line, "I wanna do right, but not right now." It reminds me that there are things in life that we KNOW should be done, but we're too lazy and too busy enjoying ourselves to do them.
Beyond that, I believe it's about a young beauty queen (Miss Ohio) that just wants to let her hair down and escape. She doesn't want the constraints of proper behavior or marriage.

"Had you run around the shoulder" should be "Had your arm around her shoulder,"

"I know all about it you don't have to shout it I'm gonna straighten it out somehow."
I love those lines, the way they're sung ♥ This is one of my favorite songs, I think its so pretty. A guy on youtube does a gorgeous cover of it.

Band of Heathens and Miranda Lambert both do excellent cover versions of this song ...

This song jumped out at me yesterday while driving in my car. I love how Gillian makes "rag top down" sound so salacious!
I also suspect Gillian is brainy enough to know St. Augustine's prayer, "Lord, make me pure—but not yet."
The song leaves me with the impression "Miss Ohio" is being pressured into marriage -- maybe pregnant? -- and is out for one last fling before settling down.

I've always sang the Atlanta line as "Gonna get the hell out of Atlanta" since the idea of someone actually wanting to seek a fantasy in this hellhole of a city sounded either ignorant or they're a deviant(or a crackhead). Miss Ohio must be either painfully uninformed or a degenerate if she thinks there's a fantasy to be loved out in Atlanta.