106 Meanings
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Bad Day Lyrics

Where is the moment when we needed it the most?
You kick up the leaves, and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue sky's faded to gray
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no caring no

Stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no caring no

'Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work out a smile as you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down, and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carrying on

You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile, and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day

Sometimes the system goes on the blink, and the whole thing it turns out
You might not make it back and you know that you could be well, oh, that
And I'm not wrong

So where is the passion when you need it the most?
Oh, you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

'Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work out a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You see what you like
And how does it feel one more time?
You had a bad day
You had a bad day (had a bad day, had a bad day, had a bad day)
Song Info
Submitted by
i_heart_youuu On Apr 05, 2005
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106 Meanings

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Cover art for Bad Day lyrics by Daniel Powter

I personally envision a completely different meaning to this song (having not seen the video, and been having some unpleasant experiences as of late). I see it as "I" (i.e. Powter) trying to convince someone ("you" in the song) who's having a rough time, and is basically depressed, to snap out of it - the "bad day" is symbolic of the whole period of depression. Trouble is, the one he's singing about isn't making it easy for him. She's in a vicious cycle of depression and refuses to even try and get out: "You stand in the line just to hit a new low You're faking a smile with the coffee you go You tell me your life's been way off line"

And the guy's starting to get weary from it: "You're falling to pieces everytime And I don't need no carryin' on "

'cause however much he tries to convince her of her worth, she denies it and remains firmly depressed: "You say you don't know You tell me don't lie "

But he keeps trying because he knows that one day he'll break through to her: "You might not make it back and you know That you could be well all that strong And I'm not wrong"

Okay, so not all the lyrics fit, but on the most part this is how I see things. Like I said, I've been through this experience later and this song's been quite comforting...

@ThatKidSteve Nice interpretation... So, it's been almost 13 years, how are you doing now?

Cover art for Bad Day lyrics by Daniel Powter

Just a great song. I agree with the previous explaination. See the video. Its just great. Even if things are so shitty and there is no-one who can hold you, Its only a day ! It'll come around...When you least expect it and in the strangest way someone will pick you up and love you.....

Id like to dedicate this song to Katrina who is the greatest person on the planet. Babe, its terrible we cant be together.. I had a bad day...But we'll be okay......

Cover art for Bad Day lyrics by Daniel Powter

Hey Guys, first post.

I have a completely different translation to this song, but I usually translate songs as they pertain to my life (kinda selfish aint it :)

I hear this song as someone singing to their (bad) girl/boyfriend. Basically someone who constantly does things to hurt or push away their significant other. Each time, trying to make up so that aren't left alone.

"Ya kick up the leaves and the magic is lost" - You treat me wrong again and the magic is lost"

"Stand in the line just to hit a new low" - You go to great lengths just to do something terrible to me again

"You're fakin a smile with the coffee to go" - You try to act like you are happy with your life by acting like everyone else. (That one takes more explanation, but I will spare you)

"You had a bad day" - The excuse is always that you are having a bad day

"You sing a sad song just to turn it around" - You make me feel sorry for you so I feel like it;s my fault.

"You work at a smile then you go for a ride" - You get me to forgive you and smile, then you just do it again.

"You're comin back down and you really don't mind" - You are going back to doing the same thing and you don't care.

"The point is they laugh at what ya say" - Everyone knows what you are really doing to me.

"You know that you could be oh that strong" - You know you could change.

"Where is the passion when we need it the most? You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost" - Self explanatory to the above.

@Cynical>Saint This isn't how I interpreted it, but that is actually really interesting and has a lot of backing in the lyrics. I am honestly just really impresse:)

Cover art for Bad Day lyrics by Daniel Powter

There are 3 parties mentioned in this song, and we should identify these parties in order to make sense of the song. “They tell me your...” line makes reference to 3 parties: They, me and your, which also suggests that he himself is talking to a person and telling that person what other people perceive in that person. This line also rules out the possibility that “you/your” refers to the audience.

The video is nice and seems to match the word, except the line “You tell me don't lie” suggests that the artist is talking to a person. Prior to that, it seems like he’s using the word “you” in reference to talk to the audience to comfort us if we were having a bad day. Otherwise, how could “you tell me don’t lie” be us telling Daniel Powter that he’s lying?

Having established the parties and points of reference, I will analyse the meaning independent of the video clip. The artist is comforting a person’s sorrows, who seems to be denying his/her own sorrow, hiding it, and denying comfort from other people. He’s trying to make this person admit their sorrow and not bottle it up. “Love” is not mentioned in the whole song, so the relationship between the artist and the person is open to interpretation. It could be a best mate, it could be a girlfriend.

“They tell me your blue skies fade to grey They tell me your passion's gone away And I don't need no carryin' on” The artist is telling a person that people notice he/she is feeling sad, and that he doesn’t need to continue repeating this because it’s evident.

“You're faking a smile with the coffee you go.” “You sing a sad song just to turn it around” “You work on a smile and you go for a ride” The person is trying to hide their sorrows.

“You say you don't know You tell me don't lie” The sad person is denying knowledge of their sorrows. The next bit where that person is telling the artist “don’t lie” is a bit baffling, but I think the artist is saying this person’s a hypocrite because he/she is telling the artist not to lie when the person is lying to his face about his/her sorrow. The fact that the person is telling the artist not to lie, suggests that this person is female, or a girlfriend, because its more common that girls to say this to guys.

“The camera don't lie” The evidence of her sorrow is in the photos/videos. Sad people often have a bitter smile or not at all, or just a long face.

The artist tries to make this person admit his/her (possibly her) sorrow, and is showing allot of understanding and compassion. Sometimes admitting one’s sorrow is the first step to recovery, instead of bottling it up.

Cover art for Bad Day lyrics by Daniel Powter

crispwarne i dissagree the rest of the album is quite good and i think that jimmy gets high is better then bad day allthough bad day is a champion of a song

Cover art for Bad Day lyrics by Daniel Powter

I really liked this song! It's beautiful and i like the video to it as well! The lyrics are really meaningful! xxx

Cover art for Bad Day lyrics by Daniel Powter

this song is great.. I easily get all down on myself from day to day.. and Iheard this on the radio.. and I just like how it sounds. I normally don't listen to this kinda music, really.. but, this song just appeals to me. I realy like it alot.

As for meaning, I think I'd have to agree with Cynical>Saint about how it's about this guy that is almost treated like crap.. but he doesn't see it that way.. He just see's it as she's just a little upset about work or something like that and shrugs it off.. Kind of harsh or w/e, but it's kind of how I interpret it.

I also like the idea that I get from the video, about how he's trying to get her to see a positive light sometime. She's always doing the negitive and he tries to make it better. It's really sweet... which I had a guy like that :( lol..

Cover art for Bad Day lyrics by Daniel Powter

To me this song sounds more like it’s about the artist and her works, then romance of any kind. The reference to “they” may have meant the artworks, Artworks can always show the change in thought or life style of their creator. It all really sounds like a gallery opening or something, and the artist isn’t quite happy with her works for that day, and because of stress this could make it worse.

“Cause you had a bad day, you’re taking one down” –could be referring to a picture the artist created

“You say you don’t know, you tell me don’t lie” –Asking for the honest opinion on what they had created.

“So where is the passion when you need it the most, you kick up the leave and the magic is lost” –The inspiration that they wanted was never realised.

“Well you need a blue sky holiday, the point is they laugh at what you say” –Asking for time off, the higher person saying no.

Cover art for Bad Day lyrics by Daniel Powter

i'm not really into this song... it reminds me of like going to buy tickets for a game or concert and they were already sold out and you were standing there while a thunderstorm was passing by and your car wouldn't start for HOURS... it's just not my type of song

Catchy song. Always makes me smile. Is he a one-hit wonder. I'm not familiar w/ the artist.

Yes unfortunatly he is. Free Loop was surposed to be the follow up single however it broke chart rules (UK or worldwide, I wouldn't know) for having a live version of Bad Day as a bonus track while Bad Day was still in the charts. :(