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Jane Doe Lyrics

Why... you just won't leave my mind...
Was this the only way?
I couldn't let you stay...

Run away, hide away
secrets in your mind
Sacrificed just her life
for a higher love

No matter how many stones you put inside
She'll always keeps on floating in your mind
With every turn of your head you see her face again
until the end
over and over again...

Why... you just won't leave my mind...
Was this the only way?
I couldn't let you stay...

Told the truth, she laughed at you
Something snapped inside
She had to go or they would know
all you tried to hide

The sins of your life are now catching up with you
You can't stay ahead, There's nothing you can do
With every turn of your head you see her face again
until the end
over and over again...

Why... you just won't leave my mind...
Was this the only way?
I couldn't let you stay...

Why... you just won't leave my mind...
Was this the only way?
I couldn't let you stay...

Why... you just won't leave my mind...
Was this the only way?
I couldn't let you stay...
Song Info
Submitted by
reprecussion On Mar 30, 2005
10 Meanings
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I think that this is a "love story", but its not a corresponded love. A guy, kinda shy by its outside, but i think that he is the kind of persons that never accept a NO by answer, so he liked a girl, and he was always thinking in her because he was so in-love with this girl. So one day he decides to tell her, and as the song says: Told the truth, she laughed at you Something snapped inside She had to go or they would know all you tried to hide He feels bad, and a problem is born on his head (something snapped inside); so he kills her because he can't accept a no by answer, and finally he feels guilty,(There's nothing you can do) and this girl is still always on his mind but now not because he loved her, but because he killed her, and he loved her, Ironic, isn't it? XD HAHAH that's my idea.. long storyy .. but it took me quite to find out the meaning XD

My Interpretation
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This song is named Jane Doe because that is the name given to a female unidentified body. This tells us one fact:the victim is a female. It seems to suggest that a man has killed a girl he loves,or doesn't love,because of some mental trauma or peer pressure-she had to go or they would know..." I love the bit about "No matter how many stones you put inside she always keeps on floating in your mind" That tells us he is filling her corpse with stones to hide the evidence,only to see her floating to the surface in his mind.It's almost like a pun-play on words.

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"Sacrificed just her life for a higher love"

The "higher love"-thing: i think he killed her because his religion didn't allowed the relationship.

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Lol, before I heard this song I had some story in my mind, then when I heard the song the lyrics seemed to fit perfectly with the story. So, to me, the lyrics WERE that a guy kidnapped a girl and erased her memory, making her marry him. ("sacrificed her life" as in sacrificed life as she remembered).

But NOW I can see the whole murder thing. Ironically, I decided that AFTER I had created a story about a guy killing all his girlfriends.

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To me this is about a person who killed someone and he is feeling extreme guilt about it. Originally I thought he did it for a cult or a gang or a religion or somehting but now I think he may have done it for himself. I think she knew something about him that she shouldn't have so he killed her. When I first heard this song, I thought imeediatly of a girl I knew through school who was killed by a gang because she witnessed them commiting some sort of crime. Just a thought.

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Well in thfanzine Sharon said the song was inspired by all the detective and investagative shows she loves watching and is about murderer who tells his girlfriend about his past crimes but she thinks he's joking and teases him. In a fit of rage he kills her and is haunted by the memory of her.

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What this song tells me, is that a man killed a woman, who he was fond of, but he let slip a truth that was dangerous for other's to know about, so he had to dispose of her, before she couldn't tell any one.

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I agree on a murderer revealing too much to someone he loves and then she mocks him and teases him about it. He needs to kill her before she finds out the truth, that it wasn't all jokes, this was real.

Sacrificed just her life for a higher love

The higher love for me sorta reflects his passion for the kill. Murderers find some sort of fascination with what they do. So his higher love is to murder and unfortunately it overpowers his desire for her life and he gets rid of her. And now he is going mad-sorta like the main character from Edgar Allen Poe's The Tell-a-Tale Heart where he keeps thinking the dead mans heart is beating. It's just him going crazy with guilt over the murder. This girl was obviously very precious to him.

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Kay, at first I thought it was about a guy being infatuated with a girl. But now it's obvious that it's about a guy murdering his girlfriend/wife. But I can see why I might have thought that way. "Why you just won't leave my mind" is the guy saying she can't leave his mind. "Was this the only way?" could be like him letting go of her and he couldn't let her stay in her mind because her memory would destroy him in his mind.

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I think that the song's about a man who killed a woman he loved because she found out about something he did or wants to do. The "higher love" could be another woman who's richer or better for him, and the only way to marry her is to get rid of the other woman. The other woman could be his wife already. "No matter how many stones you put inside She'll always keeps on floating in your mind" could mean that he killed her, stuck stones in her to hide his crime, then left her in a lake or river. Because of his extreme guilt, he sees her everywhere.

Song Meaning
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