86 Meanings
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Hold Me Down Lyrics

I found a letter that said:
"I'm sorry that you were asleep when I wrote these words down
You'd think I'd ought to be used to that by now.
Save for a few of those late night episodes,
Missed opportunities and "I Don't Cares,"
There's not a lot that I feel obliged to share or talk about.

I'll have my brother stop by this Saturday to pick up my things,
Just make sure you're not there.
This may sound bad and don't take it the wrong way
I love you, however, you hold me down.”

You're the echoes of my everything
You're the emptiness the whole world sings at night
You're the laziness of afternoon
You're the reason why I burst and why I bloom
How will I break the news to you?

“Cancel our dinner with Max and Coraline
Feed Jackie’s gerbil and try to stay clean
We’ll talk to over after I’ve had some time alone to sort it out”

You hold me down

You're the echoes of my everything
You're the emptiness the whole world sings at night
You're the laziness of afternoon
You're the reason why I burst and why I bloom
You’re the leaky sink of sentiment
You’re the failed attempts I never could forget
You’re the metaphors I can’t create to comprehend this curse that I call love

How will I break the news to you?
86 Meanings
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you're the metaphors i can't create to comprehend this CURSE I CALL LOVE(best line of the song

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"You're the leaky sink of sentiment"= you make me have so many crazy feelings. "You're the failed attempts I never could forget"= even though I don't think we should be together anymore, I'm not going to be able to get you off my mind. "You're the metaphors I can't create to comprehend this curse that I call love"= I can't put words to the feelings I have for you.

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god i love the metaphors he uses, they're brilliant. They use something seemingly good and twist it to make it bad.

"You're the echoes of my everything"--she was his everything, but its only an echo, something distant and out of reach

"You're the emptiness the whole world sings at night"--emptiness is lonely, but then he parallels that with the whole world singing together. This is such a hopeless image because singing together is supposed to be something happy, but the singing is empty.

"You're the laziness of afternoon"--a lazy afternoon is relaxing, but it doesnt move your forward (maybe like their relationship)

"You're the reason why I burst and why I bloom"--she does these two extreme things to him, but there can't be a medium

"you're the leaky sink of sentiment"--the image is of a broken sink, and the broken sink is symbolic of his feelings. His feelings towards her are breaking.

"You're the failed attempts I never will forget"--An experince you'll never forget is usually something good. He twists that perception and pairs it with failed attempts. Who wants to keep revisiting failed attempts in their thoughts?

"You're the metaphors I can't create to comprehend this curse that I call love" -- this line is really interesting rhetorically because it basically negates all the metaphors he had just previously listed. Those metaphors are so heart-wrenching and chilling, but he says that they don't even come close to showing how he feels. I also like how he calls love a curse; the commonplace is that love is wonderful, but he shows how she twisted this perception for him so horribly that it is now a curse to him.

Overall, a very powerful song if you listen to it closely. Pure genius.

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its actually "Cancel our dinner with Max and Coraline,"

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"you're the leaky sink of sentiment you're the failed attempts i never could forget you're the metaphors i can't create to comprehend this curse that i call love how will i break the news to you "

this song is amazing...

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this is one of my favorite songs of all time.

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beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. there's a kind of melancholy regret in the lyrics to this song that makes me feel hollow every time I hear it. I see this song as someone looking back at their relationship, reflecting on the love shared and lost and finally saying goodbye. they can't fully comprehend love, or their lover [ you're the metaphors I can't create, to comprehend this curse that I call love ] but they will still miss them. xo

My Interpretation
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It's feed jackie's gerbil and try to stay clean not drive safely

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I don't think there should be a close quotation mark at the end of the second line, almost the whole rest of it is the continuation of the letter, right? it's barely a correction, but I am up pretty late just bugging the internet.

Lyric Correction

You are 100% right. I just created an account here in order to post this. That is how completely sure I am that you are right about this.

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what happened to the other verse?

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