73 Meanings
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I Never Came Lyrics

When you say it's dead & gone
Yes I know, you're wrong
Cut & slash, sharpest knife
It won't die

Poison cup, drank it up
It won't die

No fire, no gun, no rope, no stone
It won't die

Why you gotta shove it in my face
As if you put me in my place
'Cause I don't care
If you or me is wrong or right
Ain't gonna spend another night
In your bed

Laws of man, are just pretend
They ain't mine

Love so good, love so bad
It won't die

Some talk too long, they know it all
I just smile & move on

Words ain't free, like you & me
I don't mind

Why'd you have to be so mean & cruel
The dogs are loose i'm on to you
You ball &
Chained together from the dawn to dusk,
Can't call it leavin', 'cause it's just

I never came
Song Info
Submitted by
shadowcml On Mar 12, 2005
73 Meanings
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so far the ONLY person that seems to have truly understands this song is incubus_gigbutt. It has nothing to do with sex at all. It is about the struggles of a troubling relationship. That is why in the end it says "Can't say it's leaving, cuz it's just, I never came." it is a turn of words. Yeah there seems to be sexual references, but you have to look at the context of all of the words. I am not gonna bash anyone, because that would be fucked up. But try to think things out very thouroughly before you commit to one meaning. Take it as advice, not criticism. But once again. Good job incubus_gigbutt sir.

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Why a woman, why a simple romance?

I think it's about Oliveri. Not in a romantic way, but he's getting things off his chest regarding their lost friendship. He sounds quite bitter here, as if defending himself from being accused. The bed is a metaphor for complying to shit Josh must have seen in Nick until he couldn't stand it anymore.

He never "came", never enjoyed the whole thing. It always sounded, whenever I listened to the album, as its centerpiece.

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This song is about a relationship with a person, whether romantic or not. Josh is talking about what happens when you have this strong attachment to someone that feels impossible to break even when they hurt you. It's about realizing that you must break the connection for your own good even though there is love there. It's about not living by the ideals of others, esspecially when they are imposed on you. Because you always have the choice to leave and make up your own ideals (by not spending 'another night' in their 'bed' of ideals/energy/etc)

@bonerBoner I came here to see if anyone sees a reference to Rasputin in the song. Although it\'s not about Rasputin they use his story as an analogy of a toxic relationship. Drinking the poison cup it won\'t die is surely a reference to just that. The gun, fire rope and stone were all instruments or ways that they tried to kill putin because he was known for being unkillable. He was also a sexual deviant that to some degree would use sex as a form of payment. And so it would have been more of a favour for women...

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Um. This song is about true love. It does have a sexual reference, actually. He probably never had sex with this girl even though he loved her. She obviously wasn't feeling him, and likely made fun of his vulnerability. Its incorrect to say he says he doesn't really love her at the end...

"no fire, no gun, no rope, no stone.."

"i never came."

think about it.

@blackwizards I think you're right

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Hey incubus_gigbutt, Josh just happened to say in concert, right before this song..."This is called I Never Came...I fake every orgasm"

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I don't think it's about suicide at all, but love. I think it's about a guy who loves a girl and she won't love him back. To me it sounds like she knew very well he loved her but she was just using him, probably for sex or what have you. For example: all of the 'it won't die' comments I believe are about the feelings. They just won't go away, he can't help it. 'Ain't gonna spend another night, In your bed...' sounds to me like he's tired of being used and her constantly ridiculing him. 'Can't call it leavin, cause it's just I never came....' In his mind he never truly got with her because the feelings weren't requited. Of course I'm sure I am probably off with a few of my views but whatever. And BenLee, Josh is infamous for saying stupid shit live that doesn't matter, he said this about The Lost Art Of Keeping A Secret live: Josh: "This song is about the secret of Nick's beard." Audience Member: "Beer?" Josh: "Did he say beard or beer? I can't fucking tell. It sounds like he's got marbles in his mouth."

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I think it means, to me, that the relationship is over, and the ex is being overly hateful about it and won't let it go. He is bothered by the overall hatefulness of her, and he wants it to be over. Their relationship is over, and I think that he's wanting to move on; people are in their business, all the time... It's time to move on, and his ex keeps bringing up his past. He never came to bother her, and he never came to ask her opinion anymore; they are done, so he has left, so there is no leaving to be done. Why can't she just leave him alone?

I personally relate to this.

My Interpretation
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Okay guys, i read most of the comments here and i think its about a failed relationship in which he was never actually invested. Hence the final lines "cant call it leaving cause i never came" like i was never in love or really attached to you.

The early parts you can understand it as like the other person trying to hide their love for Josh. "When you say it's dead & gone I know you're wrong" I know you still miss me.

"Why you gotta shove it in my face As if you put me in my place Cause I DON'T CARE"

When the other person says that is done that it doesnt care about the relationship anymore trying to put it in josh face that hes out and he just dont give a fuck about explanations at that point.

"Some talk too long, they know it all I just smile & move on"

This is other part that convinces me of my theory. Its like the other person just keep talking and saying: i dont wanna know about you anymore! but josh just dont talk about it and has already moved on on his life.

"Words ain't free, like you & me I don't mind..."

Words are there, you say something and you wont forget that word. But you can do what you want, you can move on, the relationship is over and you can get trough that cause youre free.

My Interpretation
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One of my favorite songs on the album right now. It's wonderful.

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You mean, like, good job on being a total fucking asshole? Right...

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