The Saturday Girl Lyrics
That September morning was clear and fresh;
The way she spoke, and laughed at my jokes and the way she rubbed herself against the edge of my desk..
She became a magic mystery to me and we'd sit together in double history twice a week and some days we'd walk the same way home and it's surprising how quick a little rain can clear the streets.
For she lied to me with her body, you see,
I lied to myself about the chances I wasted.
In the darkness of the dances in the school canteen - did she close her eyes as I did when we held each other tight?
And la la la la la la la la laa means I love you...
Soft and sweet
And I stare up at her window
As I walk down her street
But I never made the first team, I just made the first team laugh
And she could never come to the phone - she was always in the bath.
While she was giving herself for free
At a party to which I was never invited.
and I hide my humble hopes now;
Thinking back, she made us want her,
A girl not old enough to shave her legs

I can't believe so few people have commented on this fabulous song. I've been there, roughly between the ages of 13-17. Sarah Hadfield was her name. It's about the longing, fear and complexity of growing up. This song's very similar to Walk Away Renee (Billy Bragg not 4 Tops). It's the crush that can both of them know about but he can never express to her because it might ruin it all and the risk of rejection prevents him from facing up to his inhibitions. He lacks the confidence to lay himself bare. Meanwhile, she thinks he's sweet and leads him on, enjoying the attention and revealing an innocence that is also deeply self-serving. As they get older she gets a bit loose and he sees her differently. The whole episode was very important in the narrator's life, arousing deep feelings that helped him in later relationships. And a little bit of him still loves her now.
Very well put. Love this song.
Very well put. Love this song.

I have vowed to listen to this song once a day for the rest of my life.

don't you mean 'The Saturday Boy'?

Ya this is called "The Saturday Boy."
Anyway, great tune. Love the trumpet. It's about THAT crush. Everyone knows the feeling.

This is truly the best song ever.
I agree. Possibly my favourite lyrics of all time. Perfectly evoking memories of school crushes etc.
I agree. Possibly my favourite lyrics of all time. Perfectly evoking memories of school crushes etc.


Bit that gets me most- "I never understood my failings then, and I hide my humble hopes now;"