10 Meanings
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30 Kft Lyrics

Hello, if you're there pick up the phone
I'm calling from thirty thousand feet above you
The captain's just informed us that our plane is going down
So I'm calling for one last time to say I love you

I'm not certain how much time I may have left so I'll be brief
Sorry if this message only amplifies your grief
But I couldn't bear the burden of never having said goodbye
And the pain you feel I promise you will go away with time

I'm sorry I won't be there to see our children grow
Please tell them that I loved them more than they will ever know
Tell my family and friends how much I love them all as well
Assure them we will meet again, but only time will tell

I'm sorry, most of all, I won't be there when you grow old
To be there by your side and keep you warm when you are cold
Forgive me, but I think my time is drawing to a close
So I've one last thing to tell you now before I have to go

Song Info
Submitted by
interface2x On Feb 07, 2005
10 Meanings
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This is a song that if listened to in a way has an eerie feeling to it. It sends those chills up your spine. It is everything you would want to say to a loved one if you knwo something bad was going to happen and you wouldn't be there All thingsthat you would say but they rhyme which makes it in a way more creepy. but It is a beautiful song.

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Smoke a fat blunt, dim the lights and sit alone and listen to it.....It's SCARY AS HELL

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Yegawds...call me pathetic, but this song makes me cry. I have a slightly overactive imagination, so I always sit and think "What if that was to happen?" and I get all weepy. Beautiful song. By the way...Vostok is right. It IS scary.

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Was walking around in the forest with my ipod and some substanses in my body the first time I heard this one, totally great! I only wish it was longer because both the lyrics and music is great!

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Me too... when I first heard this song I had to stop what I was doing and pay all attention to it. It's mesmerizing.

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I love this song... Every time it comes up on shuffle I can listen to it dozens of times... (been playing it for 4 hours in a row first time)

This thing makes me shiver.. and almost cry... every time... Maybe I am a little bit too imaginative, either, but this is a very touching and thrilling song...

Always thinking... 'what if that was me?'...

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/Excuse me but I think my time is drawing to a close/ Isn't it "forgive me but..."?

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Doesn't it seem that he got so caught up in everything else that he never got a chance to tell his wife the one thing he wanted to? Maybe the whole song is metaphorical.

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It's not metaphorical. It's a response to 9/11.

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damn.... it could be.... Vostok, good advice. And the ending of this song is fucking killer.

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