4 Meanings
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Theme From NARC Lyrics

The-me Fro-m NA-RC

The-me Fro-m NA-RC
4 Meanings
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This song is pretty obvious. It's the theme from NARC. For those that don't know, NARC was an NES game from the height of the war on drugs. Basically, the objective is to get out of your bitchin' Corvette with mounted machine guns to kill pill poppers, potheads, crack fiends, and anyone else who dabbles in drugs.

I don't know the Pixies' history with drugs... I'd assume they smoked pot, but I'm biased on that (the whole thing with stoners thinking anyone who inspires them smoked pot too... it's true.). So, I can't tell you if it's straight-up sarcasm (the game was a joke, whatever the case.)

If I remember right, also, Nancy Reagan endorsed it and the original cartridge had her signature on it.

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the pixies have done every drug known to man. or at least, kim has. but they're all clean now. they don't even drink.

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Black and Joey would "smoke as much dope as possible" at U-Mass. Pixies are unequalled.

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My friends and I used always stick this track on at 33rpm - it is so much cooler at that speed - really menacing. To me it sounds totally wrong at the correct speed now.

If anybody out there has the Planet Of Sound single and a record player it would be great to have a version played at 33rpm on Youtube!

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