51st State Lyrics
Read all the instructions with bright blue eyes
We're W.A.S.Ps, proud American sons
We know how to clean our teeth and how to strip down a gun
Over the dancing heads of the merry patriotic crowd
Tip your hat to the Yankee conqueror
We've got no reds under the bed with guns under our pillows
You can say what you like but it doesn't change anything
Because the corridors of power are an ocean away

The song is full of irony not sarcasm.
And besides the term WASP is in no way a racist term, nor does it demonstrate any kind of racist undertone... at least it wasn't until the Americans bastardised the term like they always do ;-)

this song has undertones of racism, and im not to familiar with this band (though i do own a few LPs) but is the reference to W.A.S.P. (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) meant to be sarcastic or for real?
Other than that good song

I cant say im that familiar with their political ideas either, but considering the sarcasm that goes through the whole song I suppose the w.a.s.p part is sarcastic as well. Whats scary is that this song feels more accurate today than ever before considering the blind support shown to The States by the current Brittish government.

Adittionally the lyrics were not wrtten by New Model Army themselves. They were written by Ashley Cartwtright of the Shakes. So if theres any problem with the song blame her.Generally speaking when you hear New Model Army say something extreme they are being sarcastic. Kind of like the Dead Boys and The Sex Pistols. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

"We're W.A.S.Ps, proud American sons We know how to clean our teeth and how to strip down a gun"
"Here in the land of opportunity, watch us revel in our liberty You can say what you like but it doesn't change anything"
Pure sarcasm, the whole song !!!

It is obviously sarcasm. And straylite is right, times have not changed. They all still listen to the corridors of power in washington d.c.