17 Meanings
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Gloomy Sunday Lyrics

Sunday is gloomy, my hours are slumberless
Dearest, the shadows I live with are numberless
Little white flowers will never awaken you
Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you

Angels have no thought of ever returning you
Would they be angry if I thought of joining you?

Gloomy Sunday

Gloomiest Sunday, with shadows I spend it all
My heart and I have decided to end it all
Soon there'll be candles and prayers that are said, I know
But let them not weep, let them know that I'm glad to go

Death is no dream, for in death I'm caressing you
With the last breath of my soul I'll be blessing you

Gloomy Sunday

Dreaming, I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you asleep in the deep of my heart, here
Darling, I hope that my dream never haunted you
My heart is telling you how much I wanted you

Gloomy Sunday
17 Meanings
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This is the so-called "Hungarian Suicide Song". It was written by 2 Hungarian composers, and is about the dead girlfriend of one of them (read the lyrics, it seems pretty obvious it's about a dead lover). After the song wsa recorded, it supposedly resulted in suicides all over Hungary (including that of one of the composers) and was banned there. That's when a bunch of American singers covered the song. This is about the most famous version, probably because Billie Holiday is one of the few people who had a voice that could capture the mood and feeling of the song. This also is supposed to have caused suicides all over America, and got banned there too.

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Gloomy Sunday was written by a single Hungarian Composer after a horrible breakup. His Girlfriend wanted him to get a proper job but he continued to chase his dream of becoming a composer. She broke it off and consequently one Sunday, Serres (I think that's how you spell it), wrote this song. Originally it was turned down, the record company saying that it's melancholic sound was beautiful and haunting but it would not be a big seller.

Eventually, it was taken up by another company. Not long after, a spate of suicides were linked with the song. Some of the deceased were found with Sheet Music of the song, or were found with the Record Player still going on the song.

Then the body of Serres' girlfriend was found, she had poisoned herself and in her suicide note had written the words of the song. Serres later jumped off a bridge and took his own life.

Since his death, Gloomy Sunday has been attributed to many suicides, eventually it was banned from the airwaves, except for the instrumental version, when even this version was found playing in the home of a woman who had committed suicide it was also banned.

The song is obviously about a man who has lost the woman he views as his soul mate, it is an extremely sad song who many people seem to be able to relate to. It has been covered by many artists, the best I believe is by Sarah McLachlan (after Billie Holiday of course) and the worst... Bjork... She tried to sex up the song... It just didn't work...Thank you, enjoy.

@moredhel the whole gf suicide thing just isn’t true the song itself unlike popular belief had little to nothing to do with his suicide the actual cause was his loss of faith in the communist party and his unwillingness to move to the us to gain royalties for his songs leaving him constantly poor that mixed with his mother’s death in a concentration camp lead to his death

@moredhel the whole gf suicide thing just isn’t true the song itself unlike popular belief had little to nothing to do with his suicide the actual cause was his loss of faith in the communist party and his unwillingness to move to the us to gain royalties for his songs leaving him constantly poor that mixed with his mother’s death in a concentration camp lead to his death

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Awesome song. Billie Holiday has the creepiest, beautiful voice ever.

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I'm not surprised that after hearing this song people commited suicide. Isn't it like the saddest song ever? But for me - it's also one of the most beautiful love songs. The one you love has died and you are devastated, there's no hope - the only option you have is to kill yourself so that you can be with him... :'-(

Angels have no thoughts of ever returning you Wouldn’t they be angry if I thought of joining you?

I heard many versions of it. It's obvious that Billie's version's the best but I also like the one by Heather Nova.

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Fantastic and depressing song. The last verse there is just so horribly inappropriate for the song... It just infuriates me.

PS. To be fair, Seress killed himself a good while after the death of his girlfriend and the release of this song. The song has never officially been linked to as a cause of suicide.

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Sarah McLachlans version is my favorite. :)

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You should hear the version of Diamanda Galas... It is with different words, almost acapella.It gives you the creeps...

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I like Heather Nova's version the best. I hate the fact that the last verse is in there. For more info on the myths surrounding the song visit snopes.com/music/songs/gloomy.htm

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Gosh... this song is depressing after listening to it over and over again. And I agreed, Billie Holidays' voice is...well... quite creepy for this song.

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I like Elvis Costello's version the best.

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