5 Meanings
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I Want to Be Old Lyrics

I want to be old
And creak by the fire
I want to smell of rotting wood
It's all I desire
I want my joints to seize up
I want my legs to ache
I want my eyesight to fail
I want my skin to flake
To be old
I want to be old
I want false teeth
And not be able to chew
I want to be senile
A centenarian fool
I want lots of wrinkles
Want my hearing to go
I want to be ignored
And I want to be slow
To be old
I want to be old
5 Meanings
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He wants to be old. i think thats pretty much it. i dont know of any back story for the song, so i could be wrong. but i doubt it.

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I guess it's sung in a cynical manner, since society, in general, is completely horrified of growing old. do YOU want to be senile, deaf and blind? Either way I'm pretty open about hoping to die young. :-0

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it's an 'up yours' to the punk movement and more generally to music of the 60's and 70's. like the who 'i hope i die before i get old..' etc..

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and now he is

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Haha :) I'm open to dying young too... or whatever... at least I don't ever wanna be old. God, my life is miserable already, cant even imagine what it's like to be old and waiting for the merciful death.

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