17 Meanings
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See Who I Am Lyrics

Is it true what they say,
Are we too blind to find a way?
Fear of the unknown clouds our hearts today.
Come into my world,
See through my eyes.
Try to understand,
Don’t ant to lose what we have

We’ve been dreaming
But who can deny,
It’s the best way of living
Between the truth and the lies.

Chorus :
See who I am,
Break through the surface.
Reach for my hand,
Let’s show them that we can
Free our minds and find a way.
The world is in our hands,
This is not the end.

Fear is withering the soul
At the point of no return
We must be the change
We wish to see
I’ll come into your world
See through your eyes
I’l try to understand
Before we lose chat we have

We just can’t stop believing
Because we have to try
We can rise above
Their truth and their lies

Repeat chorus

I hear their silence
Preaching my blame
Will our strenght remain
If their power reigns?
Song Info
Submitted by
mord Sith On Dec 05, 2004
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17 Meanings

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Cover art for See Who I Am lyrics by Within Temptation

It seems obvious to me that this is about treating everyone as people (if that makes any sense), and I agree there is no romantic aspect to it.

When I read mhorton's and artemislee's (in particular) comments, the first personal example that came to mind, for some reason, was one of the kids I taught English to when I lived in Seoul. She was very quiet around me initially, but less so over time, and then one day she told me that she was afraid of me at first because I'm American, but then she realized I'm not scary at all. That was one of the best moments of my life. I was flattered that I was a catalyst for one child to realize that looking beyond countryist fears meant seeing me as me. (Back then, with all the changes that Bush was causing for South Korea, this fear of America was very strong, and I could completely understand it. But I'm not Bush, and I don't try to tear families apart and destroy attempts for them to be whole again, and I don't think it's just fine for U.S. soldiers to rape women, etc.) Of course, the credit goes to her, but part of me can't help but feel proud that I was one tool for her epiphany ^^ Just two children (I was actually a minor too when I lived in Korea), and we were part of the change that I (and hopefully she) wished to see.

We are completely surrounded by prejudice, immersed in it, absorbing it without meaning to. Seeing different subjective points of view--and generalizing it to seeing what is objective, seeing possibile subjective POVs--helps one have a more accurate, realistic view of other people. People are aware of racism, and sexism too although often not taken seriously, but many things are taken for granted and not even thought of as prejudice--moneyism, ageism, speciesism, countryism, religionism, prodictivityism/usefulnessism, and many stigmas and myths surrounding mental health, sexual taboos, behavior modification, and so on. Forgive me for making up new words :P

I still dream of a world of peace, acceptance, and understanding; I'm not sure what the second verse is saying, but perhaps that it's the best thing to live by, instead of, say, obsessing over the current state of things, getting depressed by the truth of what ought to be and how far we must fight to get there, being sucked into people's assumptions (lies?) of intolerance and hopelessness, etc. I'm horrible at interpreting things like this so I'd appreciate other people's ideas.

Is it just me or is there an implied threat in this song? Trying to not lose what we have, souls withering, having to find a way, keeping the world from ending... Sounds not only like "We should do this good thing," but "Or else bad things will happen and continue happening."

I'm also wondering if it's just prejudice, intolerance, fear, hate, and the like, or if there's a more specific embodiment that is against us. For example, some powers in government and corporations that insist we can't find any other way and just have to bomb others, that say we can't find a way to free our minds, that will crush our strength if their power reigns? Kind of doesn't fit with the "silence preaching" though.

i agree (with the world peas part) id love to see that kind of world but it will never happen people are judgmental its part of being human and if u think about it, it makes u very sad

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Cover art for See Who I Am lyrics by Within Temptation

OMG .... i dunno y ppl havent yet given this song a rating or n e thing .. is wikid ...

now onto the song .... i think it means jus for ppl to c who somebody really is, instead of seeing their cover. Eg; trying to fit in with the crowd ...

Cover art for See Who I Am lyrics by Within Temptation

what an eleoquent analogy but i agree "We can rise above Their truth and their lies" is probably my favourite lines, Wanting to be different and accepted and someone to see the real you

Cover art for See Who I Am lyrics by Within Temptation

imo, it is about relationship.. understanding one another.. face the world together..

btw, this is my most fav of wt songs.. i always tot that ice queen is always gonna be no1 but i guess i just love this one more.. hopefully they will make a vid for it.

Cover art for See Who I Am lyrics by Within Temptation

You know. Originally I thought this song was about two people who were in love, willing to face the world against all odds, together. Now. While I still believe it is about two people who are in love, I see it a little differently. They love each other, but one is kind of pushy, and is trying to get the other to say and do things they're not ready for. Eventually, the pushy one realizes it, but not before losing the one they love. It may be for a short period of time, it may be for forever. Point being, at least the pushy one can learn from it and not repeat the mistake with someone else.

Cover art for See Who I Am lyrics by Within Temptation

I don't think it is about a relationship between two people in particular, rather I think it is talking about tolerance, ie, people of different racial, religious, etc backgrounds seeing past the steriotypes ("Between the truth and the lies"; "Come into my/your world, See through my/your eyes") and see them as the people they really are. To do the only thing we can to fight intolerance - remove it from our own hearts and be an example to the world: We must be the change, We wish to see. I could be wrong, but thats how I interpet it, and think its a powerful message and a great song.

Cover art for See Who I Am lyrics by Within Temptation

I totally, really totally agree with mhorton.

Cover art for See Who I Am lyrics by Within Temptation

i think its not about a relationship but about your place in society. to break loose of the mindless mass. so its more about people in general

the album title the silent force refers to the mindless masses of people but who could make a difference if they really tried to, the individual is small and weak but far from powerless.

so most songs are about that subject, stand my ground is kind of similar

Cover art for See Who I Am lyrics by Within Temptation

i think its not about a relationship but about your place in society. to break loose of the mindless mass. so its more about people in general

the album title the silent force refers to the mindless masses of people but who could make a difference if they really tried to, the individual is small and weak but far from powerless.

so most songs are about that subject, stand my ground is kind of similar

Cover art for See Who I Am lyrics by Within Temptation

i think its not about a relationship but about your place in society. to break loose of the mindless mass. so its more about people in general

the album title the silent force refers to the mindless masses of people but who could make a difference if they really tried to, the individual is small and weak but far from powerless.

so most songs are about that subject, stand my ground is kind of similar