2 Meanings
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Hopeful Hands Lyrics

These failures right themselves in past and present tense
There compiling these guidelines on giving up
But I've got a comma in my pocket and you've got a dot dot dot
We could steal some sugar from blank pages
We could taste life if we don't get caught

The ball point is run dry
It's standing on standby
Trapped in itself
Condemended to mediocracy

Your eyes are spelling out stories your lips won't dare to speak
Our biographies are slowly burning, it's tragically beautiful, it's painful and sweet

The ball point is run dry
It's standing on standby
Making love to it's paper as it scratches and tears

They'll write you off
2 Meanings
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this song is beautiful and really effing good. could the first couple of lines be,

"these failures write themselves in past and present tense. they're compiling these guidelines on giving up." ?

i think this song is about a relationship, or even two people who simply like each other but won't show it and act upon it. it's just a bunch of waiting.

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maybe even a dying relationship..but the singer thinks it can be fixed:

"I've got a comma in my pocket and you've got a dot dot dot We could steal some sugar from blank pages We could taste life if we don't get caught"

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