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Amarillo Lyrics

Sha la la lala lalala
Sha la la lala lalala
Sha la la lala lalala

When the day is dawning on a Texas Sunday morning
how I long to be there
with Marie who's waiting for me there
every lonely city where I hang my hat
ain't as half as pretty as where my baby's at

Is this the way to Amarillo
every night I've been hugging my pillow
dreaming dreams of Amarillo and sweet Marie who waits for me
show me the way to Amarillo
I've been weeping like a willow
crying over Amarillo
and sweet Marie who waits for me

Sha la la lala lalala
Sha la la lala lalala
Sha la la lala lalala
and Marie who waits for me

There's a church bell ringing
hear the song of joy that it's singing
for the sweet Maria and the guy who's coming to see her
just beyong the highway, there's an open plain
and it keeps me going through the wind and rain

Is this the way to Amarillo
every night I've been hugging my pillow
dreaming dreams of Amarillo and sweet Marie who waits for me
show me the way to Amarillo
I've been weeping like a willow
crying over Amarillo
and sweet Marie who waits for me

Sha la la lala lalala
Sha la la lala lalala
Sha la la lala lalala
and Marie who waits for me
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5 Meanings

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Cover art for Amarillo lyrics by Tony Christie

Great song! Really really catchy.

Cover art for Amarillo lyrics by Tony Christie

i agree, the new video for it is very funny! sha la la la la la la la

Cover art for Amarillo lyrics by Tony Christie

I'm suprised this hasnt got more comments what with its recent chart performance

Cover art for Amarillo lyrics by Tony Christie

Yeah, only three comments ?! I think this song deserves more.

This song can make me happy: it has something special, magical, euforic in it. Very hard to explain, you have to feel it when you hear it.

I heard this song for the first time when i saw a film on the internet in which a bunch of American soldiers in Iraq were dancing on this number.. Lovely song, It represents complete hapiness for me..

'There's a church bell ringing hear the song of joy that it's singing' => greatest lines, really funny !

Cover art for Amarillo lyrics by Tony Christie

Only posted on this song because of Peter Kay??? Well he is a legend of a man!