154 Meanings
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Easy/Lucky/Free Lyrics

Did it all get real? I guess it's real enough
They got refrigerators full of blood
Another century spent pointing guns
At anything that moves
Sometimes I worry that I've lost the plot
My twitching muscles tease my flippant thoughts
I never really dreamed of heaven much
Until we put him in the ground
But it's all I'm doing now
Listening for patterns in the sound
Of an endless static sea
But once the satellite's deceased
It blows like garbage through the streets
Of the night sky to infinity

But don't you weep
(Don't you weep for them)
Don't you weep
(Don't you weep)
There is nothing as lucky
Honey, don't you weep
(Don't you weep for them)
Don't you weep
(Don't you weep)
There is nothing as lucky
As easy
Or free

Don't be a criminal in this police state
You'd better shop and eat and procreate
You've got vacation days, then you might escape
To a condo on the coast
I set my watch to the atomic clock
I hear the crowd count down until the bomb gets dropped
I always figured there'd be time enough
I never let it get me down
But I can't help it now
Looking for faces in the clouds
I've got some friends I barely see
But we're all planning to meet
We'll lay in bags as dead as leaves
All together for eternity

But don't you weep
(Don't you weep for us)
Don't you weep
(Don't you weep)
There is no one as lucky
Honey, don't you weep
(Don't you weep for us)
Don't you weep
(Don't you weep)
There is nothing as lucky
As easy
Or free

Or free
Or free
Or free

There is nothing
There's nothing
There's nothing
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154 Meanings

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Cover art for Easy/Lucky/Free lyrics by Bright Eyes

If you read interviews with Conor Oberst He says that it is his optimistic outlook on death. That is what the song is about. And it is beautiful in how chaotic it is and how the songs beauty kills its self in the end.

Song Meaning

This is exactly the feeling I get from this song. The song's serene confrontation of death blurs into the noise.

Cover art for Easy/Lucky/Free lyrics by Bright Eyes

This song is deep. Conor really took a philosophical approach to this record. It came out quite good.

Does the simple line "Don't you weep..." really hit hard to anyone else?

Cover art for Easy/Lucky/Free lyrics by Bright Eyes

it sounds like he's talking about the world getting nuked and everyone knows about it, but instead of being worried they are just celebrating it like they would a new year.
"I set my watch to the atomic clock. I hear the crowd count down till the bomb gets dropped."

Does anyone else think so?

I thought of it more as like...he's comparing time and the new year to a bomb. we're all slowly dying everyday and each year we just get closer to death, in a positive way though. the ball gets dropped on new year's eve but it's really just a moment closer to everyone, everywhere dying. this is worded weird but it made sense as i was thinking it.

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Cover art for Easy/Lucky/Free lyrics by Bright Eyes

i think its a political statement against the people who wage war in america, and the unconcerned public.

i sense a deep sarcasm in the whole thing

Cover art for Easy/Lucky/Free lyrics by Bright Eyes

I'm going through this now. Beautiful lyrics

Can Conor do no wrong??????????ALL his lyrics are sooooooooo wonderful;I use to write;I don't since I started listening to him because he says everything I was trying to say!!!!!!!!!

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Cover art for Easy/Lucky/Free lyrics by Bright Eyes

I am currently obsessed with this song.

Cover art for Easy/Lucky/Free lyrics by Bright Eyes

It does sound like he's kind of saying that when the world ends. But i think it might just be about how the world is always at war. And that we shant cry for those who die, because they're in a much better place, atleast thats what we all want to believe...

Cover art for Easy/Lucky/Free lyrics by Bright Eyes

I believe that Conor has shown a shift in his beliefs with this new alubm (Digital Ash...). On previous albums he's definitely been a cynic about the existence of an after-life, faith, ect. But with this album and this song in particular he's saying that some people close to him have passed away and he's done some thinking. "...But it's all I'm doing now, looking for patterns in the sound". Especially if you check out "Arc of Time" earlier on the album, it's undeniable. This whole album is a positive message, and actually talks about believing in something bigger than we are...which is a nice change for Bright Eyes.

Cover art for Easy/Lucky/Free lyrics by Bright Eyes

I know there are political references and pessimistic comments, but that's a given with Conor and I don't think that's what he's getting at here. He's talking about the time people waste working, and not focusing on the important things in life such as time with friends. I definitely agree with the person above who said so delicately Conor's just talking about "not having to put up with life's shit anymore." I love the line "You might escape to a condo on the cost" it shows how consumed people become with work, and how really we're lucky if we get away for a while. So clever. Anyways i'm rambling. Beautiful song, definitely nothing depressing about it...Although some of the messages are negative really he's just trying to make you think. I think that's all Conor really wants to do. Just lookin out for people. What a guy.

singingbug01 is spot on. love those lines.

also dont think its political but could be wrong think its more moral or social comments.

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Cover art for Easy/Lucky/Free lyrics by Bright Eyes

"my twitching muscles tease my flippin' thoughts"


"we'll lay in bags as dead as leaves"

Did it all get real? I guess it's real enough - Song starts as a conversation with a close friend or possibly he is subconciously talking to himself, Did it all get real? - referencing when something hits home and makes a subject more real to you, the subject for this conversation being life/death/existance. I guess it's real enough - real enough speaks to the nature of existance being relative, or possibly the sureal feeling you get when you hear about someone close dying for the first time, or both.

They got refrigerators full of blood, another century...

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day to day life, routine, social norms and expectations.... there's to be more no?

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