11 Meanings
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Agnus Dei Lyrics

Ahhhhh... agnus--agnus dei
Ahhhhh... agnus--agnus dei
Qui tollis peccata mundi
Ahhhhh... agnus--agnus dei
Ahhhhh... agnus--agnus dei
Qui tollis peccata mundi
Dona nobis pacem
Dona nobis pacem
Dona nobis pacem

Lamb of God
Lamb of God
Who takes away the sins of the world
Lamb of God
Lamb of God
Who takes away the sins of the world

Give us peace
Give us peace
Give us peace.
11 Meanings
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This song is attached to the trailer of "Trade" a film about international human trafficking and although I have not seen the movie, after watching the trailer with this version of Agnus Dei, I had tears in my eyes. I was crying from a trailer-if for nothing else than bringing light to human trafficking this song will alway be simply stunning and Rufus does an incredible job.

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A very interesting song for Rufus to sing, given its implications. Why Catholicism of all things? especially something so sacred...

I think this is an interesting song to put on Want Two. I also love that it's on the same album with Gay Messiah and Old Whore's Diet. Vocals are so awesome. Really shows off what a great, expressive and effortless voice he has.

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hearing this live earlier this month completely blew me away.

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Whenever I hear this song, I think of suicide. The creaking at the beginning sounds like someone swinging from the rafters; the music sounds like a Requiem Mass.

Rufus's sexuality is probably influencing my interpretation of the song, but, to me, at the key change, it sounds like the dead's soul rising to meet the gay Messiah. Continuity rules!

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This song is just... amazing. His voice haunts me with every crescendo and every trill. No song has ever done this to me before.

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What language is that?(thinks Catholic...Italian?!)

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Latin. Feels almost tongue in cheek for him to sing this. He's changed it slightly as the line normally runs "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world". Saying "You who take away the sins of the world" sounds almost antagonistic.

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I rather liked divachem 's interpretation. This song showcases Rufus's voice, which is absolutely amazing- the amount of emotion he can sink into his incredible range is just astounding every time I hear him sing.

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Kala way - I think that the "you" added in there is just how the person has translated it, because the latin is always written "qui tollis peccata mundi" - so no change there.

Anybody think it sounds almost middle eastern near the beginning?

Fuck it's beautiful though, I love it when it just explodes with the orchestra. His voice is so amazing and I cannot wait to see him -- Sydney in January!

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Theres a definite tone of anger as he starts singing and the scratchy violin sound creates alot of tension but also the song becomes more melodic as it continues and by the end becomes something really quite beautiful. Its almost a lesson on how we have to start something and be terrible before we can become good and that perhaps instead of God giving us spiritual peace its actually music. The song finds beauty in the most dreadful noise and simple melody (the asian sounding melody) and develops it into something very spiritual and indeed peaceful. It is almost as if he is crying for peace and finally achieves it. Its complex and wonderful and a fantastic way to start an album.

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