…And That's Where They Found my Body Lyrics

Those Are the Dead stars Those Are the Dead stars You said you'd drown in my words Pushed by the ink of my pen Those Are the dead stars He climbs to the highest branch of the tree He won't come down; you need to cut him down And now your shadows will know Why your flowers won't grow Thos branches are denser than blood Shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot Electric ink on a feather Cleaned by the salt of the sea I'll pas it on to the insects So they can document me Those Are the dead stars He climbs to the highest branch of the tree He won't come down; you need to cut him down And now your shadows will know Why your flowers won't grow We bludgeon the cut To open the scab We burn off our roots And pretend that we're sad Repeat Until we believe That this is the life that we lead This is the life that we'll lead This is the light that you'll keep So John, get the gun If this is the road We'll have us some fun We'll stay up all night And say our goodbyes These are the dead stars that march by your eyes Razors listen We grind our teeth Dig our plots Ten feet deep That way No one has any reason to complain Caught by the spine We complain Those Are the dead stars
4 Meanings
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I fucken love this part:

And now your shadows will know Why your flowers won't grow Thos branchese are denser than blood Shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot

I have no idea what exactly this means, but I really love the imagery. Maybe shadows symbolise your enemies that want to cut you down, despite having climbed the 'highest branch' (as in the highest position of whatever it is - like being good at art or music etc)

Actually I pretty love all of the whole song, but since this song isn't downloadable like Designed and Nemo, I don't listen to this song that much.

The references to branches and all that reminds me of As the Roots Undo by Circle Takes the Square.

The lines that stick to me are:

Repeat Until we believe That this is the life that we lead

The line 'Electric ink on a feather' reminds me of the use of the internet (like Live Journal and blogs). Maybe it's about spreading malicious rumours online to the 'bugs' or the parasites... now that I think about it, maye this song talks about really malicious rumours about a guy called 'John'? That is has gone so malicious, that he wants some form of escape?


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john is their guitarist.

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Yeah.. this song is incredible..

When i was fucked on shrooms the other night i was sure this was the meaning of life.. lol now im not so sure but still... "We bludgeon the cut To open the scab We burn off our roots And pretend that we're sad Repeat Until we believe That this is the life that we lead."

I love that part.. I believe its talking about making things worse.. bludgeoning the cut.. or perhaps a re-analysis of his situation.. Then all we do is repeat it untill we're sure that the thing that we believe makes us sad is definately the problem hence "..untill we believe that this is the life that we lead"

TS lyrics are truely genious but its the delivery of the lyrics that makes the songs so poignant (sp?). This can be said for any song they've ever written im sure you'd all agree.

Can't wait for Bad Luck.

Oh and fuck the haters that bailed on the scars after hospital music.. you're just jealous that they are actually getting somewhere.. which to me seems selfish and pathetic.. TS will always have my support. Even if they somehow get on a major label..


Whats with the applause at the end of this song too???

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No one's jealous that they're getting anywhere, they're just not interested in trophy scar's new music. They've changed a lot. After hospital music they sounded very different, not so much for goodnight alchemy, but DEFINITELY for alphabets. Brace yourself for bad luck because it's very different from what you're used to. I've heard a bunch of demos, and seen them perform a few live. It's not hospital music, but it's amazing in it's own way.

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