4 Meanings
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I Bought You Lyrics

I know I have the chance to meet you
but that's a risky move.
I know I might have to surrender my preexisting idea of you.

Right now you're a stranger
Let's keep it that way
No harm meant
Let's keep it that way
I'm quite content knowing that I don't know you
I can pretend
Let's keep it that way

You could never understand how much you mean to me
I don't want you going and screwing it up with your personality
I'll stay in this dark corner of the room
Where I can't be seen
But I can still see you

Right now you're a stranger
Let's keep it that way
No harm meant
Let's keep it that way
I'm quite content knowing that I don't know you
I can pretend
Let's keep it that way

You could be anyone
My fantasy would be undone
I want to continue
Looking up to you, yeah

Let's keep it that way
No harm meant
Let's keep it that way
I'm quite content knowing that I don't know you
I can pretend
Let's keep it that way
4 Meanings
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Astounded no one has commented on this one. It's such a real song to me, I understand exactly what Agent M is trying to say here (well I think I do if my opinion on the songs meaning is right). It's about how you can admire someone, or fall for them, based on what you think they are. Instead of for their own personality, which may not be what you imagine, you create a character and apply it to them, and in effect fall for the person because you believe them to have the characteristics you want to see. I did this a while ago to a boy, I thought he was perfect but in effect he wasn't the thoughtful, poetic person I'd imagined him to be. He was too arrogant, but I was still reluctant to let go of this image of him I had- "You could be anyone My fantasy would be undone I want to continue Looking up to you"

      "I'm quite content knowing that I don't know you
      I can pretend"

Brilliant song, I've never heard one that deals with this issue before. Over and out.

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I really love this song, and like Fear said I can relate to this alot.

I agree with fear on what it's about too. It's about seeing someone that you might be attracted to, or you just for some reason you think they're special, but you're kind of scared to go up and talk to them. So, you end up creating a perfect personality to match with the person who really could end up being nothing like what you imagine them to be.

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Dont meet strangers off the internetz. Actually, i think i act the same on the internet. Maybe just a bit more stupid in real life & you dont see me spacing out on the internet. & i can always pretend im smart by googling whatever people are talking about, hahaha...

This also reminds me of habbo hotel. Hahaha, when i played it about 5/6 year ago (Year 9 baby) & some guy who i become friends with told me he was like 20, when he ended up being 15... And i thought he was really cool & stuff, then he just ended up being a average same aged kid... Was quite saddening. ;_;

Im glad i dont have a therapist, if i told them this story, im pretty sure they'd laugh in my face. Haha, i think id laugh in my own.

If i was a different person.. Ahhh.

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I think fear is right, but i always see it as meeting a musician you admire. Because the can seem like a really great person who writes amazing music but turn out to be an arrogant loser that couldn't care less about music and it could ruin the music for you, so you don't want to meet that musician so you can still love the music

Thats just what i think when i hear it, but i think Fear is right. i think that's what they were going for

My Interpretation
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