All My Rowdy Friends (Have Settled Down) Lyrics

All my rowdy friends have settled down
and it seems to be
more in the laid back songs.
Nobody wants to get drunk and get loud.
Everybody just wants to go back home.
I myself have seen my wilder days
and I have seen my name at the top of the page
but I need to find a friend just to run around.

But no one wants to get high on the town
and all my rowdy friends have settled down.

And I think I know what my father meant
when he sang about a lost highway
and old George Jones I'm glad to see he's finally getting straight,
and Waylon staying home
and loving Jesse more these days,

and nobody wants to get drunk and get loud
and all my rowdy friends have settled down.

and the hang overs hurt more then they used to
and corn bread and ice tea
took the place of pills and ninety-proof,
and it seems like none of us do things quite like we used to do

and nobody wants to get high on the town and all my rowdy friends have settled down.

Yeah I think I know what my father meant
when he sang about his lost highway
and Johnny Cash don't act like he did back in '68
and Kriss he is a movie star
and he's moved off to L.A.

and nobody wants to get drunk and get loud and all my rowdy friends have settled down

yeah me and my rowdy friends have rowdied on down.
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Cover art for All My Rowdy Friends (Have Settled Down) lyrics by Hank Williams Jr.

I have finished college and I am getting older, and I have been doing a lot of thinking about becoming an adult. I can relate to this song as my friends and I are getting older, the times we share together are going to change.

Cover art for All My Rowdy Friends (Have Settled Down) lyrics by Hank Williams Jr.

This song strikes a chord, with anybody that is setteling down. Hank Jr has taught us with many of his other songs that he hasn't.

References: father & lost highway = Hank Sr and his classic Lost Highway explaining the dangers of a fast lifestyle George Jones = well known drinking problem (lawn mower incident) Waylon & Jesse = Waylon Jennings & his wife Jesse Coulter Johnny Cash in 68 kicked his drug habit Kris = Kris Kristofferson, who started out as a county singer before moving to LA to act in the movies.

Cover art for All My Rowdy Friends (Have Settled Down) lyrics by Hank Williams Jr.

Its a helluva song. It really happens and the bill comes for the all fun you had. Cheers to that!!

Cover art for All My Rowdy Friends (Have Settled Down) lyrics by Hank Williams Jr.

I think is essential for us all to finally come to realize that partying, getting drunk, looking at porn, and doing drugs will never fill the void we all have. Only a relationship with Jesus Christ will give us everlasting consolation, complete fulfillment, peace that passes all understanding, joy unspeakable, hope, and a sense of purpose in life. God gave us a hole that can only be filled by Jesus Christ. Nothing of this world will ever fill this hole, no matter how much money or fame we acquire. Just cry out to Jesus in all sincerity and ask Him to save you and He will. Johnny Cash gave his life to Jesus Christ and that changed him forever and he is with his Savior now. God bless y’all.

[Edit: Added something ]