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LEIGH: It's funny with all the turbulation I'm over it. I don't need to explain myself anymore. Time fades into black and white which at once was so gray. We lose our ability to remember exactly what happened. The story shifts with each changing day. I can only realize what I want to see. We capture some moments. They will haunt us forever. A sense of what could have been but wasn't. It seems clear to me now that everything happens for a reason. I wonder if you ever meant to hurt me that bad or whether it was easier to turn your back and pretend it was my fault. I will have no regrets. I am a constant force. Don't judge me. It was easier to give up than to deal with your inability to forgive me or my inability to forgive myself. I wanted to feel a part of something instead I felt like everything in my life was falling apart. It's funny how everything circles back to music. It has always been my saving grace. The ability to play has been a blessing, the only thing that always felt right.
TOM: This corporate monster is best at causing distraction and promoting sexist ideals. You misrepresent us. You set this movement back. Violence will be undone. Compassion will prevail, in time. This is their so-called revolution. But do they know that they're supporting an industry that causes class war and an industry that causes rape. To oppose this. This is my life, this is my choice.