19 Meanings
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You Fail Me Lyrics

You fail me with every fatal crush
You fail me with every abandoned love
You fail me with your inferno fuck me eyes
That burn as fuel for my city and its neon lights

Burn bright white line fever take them all

You fail me with your new dead end dream
You fail me with your pill box fantasy
You fail me as love's greatest war
That was never worth
You were never worth fighting for

Burn bright white line fever take them all

Dying living dying living dying everyday
Living dying living dying living everyday

You think you are a poet
In your eyes you are a star
Who lives through fantasies of rising above
You think you're a victim
But you live as a drunk
That has never sacrificed that has never loved
You think you are tragic but i know you are lost
You have walked the fault lines
And you have crossed them all
This world doesn't fight you, you fight yourself
Thinking we fail you you fail yourself
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19 Meanings

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Cover art for You Fail Me lyrics by Converge

amazing song. amazing band.

it seems to just be about when someone lets you down, and how much that can hurt, and how much it can make you lose faith in that person.

Cover art for You Fail Me lyrics by Converge

The song is about people. People who claim to have ambition, but never pursue their dreams properly if at all. Those people tend to claim that the world is pitted against them, but in the end they are the only ones holding themselves back.

Cover art for You Fail Me lyrics by Converge

"thinking we fail you you fail yourself." that could be about lovers, that could be about converge. i know i'm not the first to feel a huge cartharsis after hearing "jane doe", but i doubt that everyone was fine after. things take time. hope takes time. i think it's about not being able to move on. i think the (you) in the song is objective..

Cover art for You Fail Me lyrics by Converge

i think you fail me is a big reproach about jacob itself, or about a girl who got him down and he's willing to hurt her badly. But i think it's not just simple violence like i'm going to ruin your life by bleeding you in my lyrics, i think these lyrics just try to explain what you feel when you can't explain things to someone not willing or not able to understand you, or even claiming you don't understand them. You fail me must be a sentence jacob heard a lot, but he knew that the problem wasn't him, so he probably went on living, until one day he had to explain that this girl was destroying herself and their relationship without any help from him, she was the one disconnected from reality, giving to much credit to her hope, failing herself by not admitting her true nature.

this is to me a beautiful song, wounding me deeply any time i listen to it, because i used to be the one failing to my girlfriend and blaming her all the time, thinking i was better than her, cleverer than her, and the first time i heard this song, i couldn't stop thinking about becoming something else than an asshole, about stopping considering myself a poet, that has never sacrificed, that has never loved, failing myself by blaming the others for failing me...

sorry for the mistakes but i'm french so there may be some

Cover art for You Fail Me lyrics by Converge

When I saw Converge in Baltimore just before this record was released, the last two minutes or so had Nate (bassist) screaming "Without you I'm nothing without you I'm nothing without you..." on and on, while Jake said in spoken-voice "I love you... what? I love you... what?" It's pretty obviously an end-of-relationship song - a nasty break-up.

This is all about putting all your faith in someone and they totally blow it all out of the water.
"you think you are a poet in your eyes you are a star who lives through a fantasy of rising above you think you're a victim but you live as a drunk "

You put all your effort and time into someone and they throw it away. You hate them because you loved them.

Cover art for You Fail Me lyrics by Converge

dylan617, you are an idiot for calling WouldItBeYou an idiot, for calling bythehours an idiot, for calling the other guys idiots - which they clearly are.


Cover art for You Fail Me lyrics by Converge

This song speaks to me on many personal levels. For me, this song is about learning to overcome the immaturity of placing the blame on other people, and learning to be your own savior.

Cover art for You Fail Me lyrics by Converge

Possibly one of my favouritest songs ever.

Of course, it's about failure but there is so many other ways it can be percieved...for example, different forms of failure..

  1. failure towards/from the ones you love. 'you fail me with every abandoned love you fail me with your inferno fuck me eyes.' unfaithful maybe?

  2. failure in recognising your own mistakes. 'you think you are tragic but i know you are lost' they dont apprehend theyre lost, they follow their belief they are tragic, they need to realise they are lost and search for a new solution, not hide behind their imaginary 'tragedy.'

  3. failure in comprehending the failure that is happening everywhere in the world. 'you fail me with your new dead end dream you fail me with your pill box fantasy you fail me as love's greatest war.'

middle class job, house in the suburbs. a dead end dream.

drugs, 'happy' pills, pain killers, making us believe we're all going to be okay. a pill box fantasy.

girl meets boy, boy meets girl, they fall in love. girl stops loving boy, breaks his heart. that is love's greatest war. fighting a heart break.

Cover art for You Fail Me lyrics by Converge

i feel that this song is trying to express the faith you have in someone. how you love them and trust them to be there for you and to love you back.

Cover art for You Fail Me lyrics by Converge

bythehours your an idiot for telling people that an opinion is wrong... its not about what it means to the artists... its about what it means to YOU as a listener... YOU are the idiot in this case