Annihilation Lyrics
This song is about how the world give it's peoples weapons (Guns) and calling it a "benefit for the nation" when In reality people use these weapons for destruction, and suicide (will die by their own hand) and we the people have a choice or either using these weapons for peace or for annihilation.
Extremely political, and if you're not into politics or don't necessarily have strong anti-war views, I'm not sure this is going to be the album for you. It's peace or total destruction; I agree. Just like when he was collaborating with RATM, he wants to Take the Power Back, Know Your Enemy style.
AAAAAAAHHHH! Bush won again. On the bright side I think it will help maynard concentrate on insulting the american public in the next tool album
Amazing for the non-queer, you mean. Anyhow, the way this whole track is being presented is great, the whispering adds much to it. My friend, and g/f think it's somewhat creepy.
is every song they amke about politics?
who is this song by originally
rhcprox, not every song, but every song on their new CD eMOTIVe
Heh, I voted for Bush but still like the album. I have a brother over in Iraq. My brother and I dont think its right to switch presidents in a war. Especially switching power back over to democrates...but still APC and radiohead and my two favorite bands, and both are VERY anti-Bush...I listen to them from a musical stand point, not a politcal one.
well hell, i love this cd, but ima republican, but i can understand more than one point of view. im not gonna jump ur shit over politics, because politics is ignorant in a way, but i love APC and tool, and this song kicks ass
audacity what major war have we fought without changing presidents? And what does your brother do? If he lives at BIAP I don't even wanna hear it.