Ocean Land (The Revelation) Lyrics

"Before eyes that are blind no more
A sight unseen that tears the soul
All we ever loved and known
Into mass graves is what we're shown"

"We see an ocean once was land"
And so they come to understand
This place where man used to be born
will be man's water throne
Will be man's water throne

"All that was magical, beautiful,
will be gone"
These measures call for divine intervention
"All the achievements of man,
one will stand all alone"
One that survives the final selection
"The sand in the hourglass
moves so fast, slow the sand
And nothing that mankind has strived for
will be left in ocean land"

The rain will fall then
Filling the dried land

"Here are we servants three, flesh and blood
Poor and weak, hear thou speak of the flood"

It must be a sign
A message from God's hand

"Here are we servants three, flesh and blood
Poor and weak, hear thou speak of the flood"
6 Meanings
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So Good, SO Orginal... Mabool's about a flood (similar to Noah's and the cleansation of sins from the land) but it's like the cleansation of the indifference between religions from the orphaned land (israel;the bands homeland)--the 3 servant animals are the heroes, each of the different conflicting religions;Judaism, Christianity, Islam. This song foreshadows the events to happen later in the album's story.

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I agree with afflicted. And it is so original, indeed. Amazing intro, amazing guitars, amazing vocals. Orphaned Land is a unique group. I am loving them already.

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Great song. Afflicted nailed the meaning, and it's nice to see some innovative lyrics out there these days. This band is just so original.

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True right on spot " here are we servants three flesh and blood " obviously he's referring to the 3 religions who have been symbolized as the 3 heroes in form of animals Snake, Eagle, Lion. gotta give these guys a hella of credit they ROCK!

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Plus the solo is beautiful

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The song speaks for itself if you know that it is part of the Mabool album, a concept album of the flood (Mabool in Hebrew) that is a metaphor for something that can wash away all that has been or wash away all differences and wars. It symbolises that mankind has to unite to overcome that all we strived for will be washed away.

Indeed the three men of flesh and blood represent the three monotheistic religions: Islam, Christianity, Judaism. They warn a flood is coming and that mankind has to unite to overcome it. It is like a warning or prophecy in the story of the album. "This place where man used to be born" refers to Israel, the Middle East, which is the cradle of civilisation and of course Jerusalem is a holy city in all three monotheistic religions. The outro of the song is an Islamic call for prayer as you can hear from the minarets of any mosque in the Middle East.

Song Meaning
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