7 Meanings
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Don't Hurt Yourself Lyrics

There'll come a time when all of this is over
Something else will grow and take it's place
The brand new car:scrap metal in a junkyard
The children playing will grow up and leave home

Put it away this dream you can't stop dreaming
Put it away this anger and desire
The open road is infinitely hopeful
Take all those memories and throw them in the fire

And don't hurt yourself
Don't hurt yourself
Don't hurt yourself anymore

There's old man on a warm and sunny island
No job, no money, just a smile to call his own
Know what he says?. "The past will only haunt you.
Live for today. Each day's an open door

Don't hurt yourself
Don't hurt yourself
Don't hurt yourself anymore”

Nothing to lose is nothing to fight over
The shining stars!
They’ve seen it all before.

Don't hurt yourself
Don't hurt yourself
Don't hurt yourself anymore

Dust keeps coming. Rust keeps coming. Weeds keep growing. Seeds keep growing
Where you going?
7 Meanings
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Today, it means to me to stop fearing what is going to happen tomorrow, and let aside the worries, and just do what it is that I want. Nothing is stopping, noone is waiting, I can wait but as I wait the world is changing. Love this song to pieces.

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Nice simple poppy song.. Marillion seems to perefect these kind of song lately. It resembles modern Rock bands like U2 a little bit.

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These lyrics seem to talk about, living for today, and not caring what happens.

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Basically don't beat yourself up about someting that is out of your control. LIve for today instead of thinking about whats happened in your life and whats going to happen.

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Live for the day and look towards the future with a simple realization: you're going to be fine. Anything bothering you now will not be bothering you for very long, and you'll be free of burden once you accept that.

My Interpretation
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I'd realized this is saying don't dwell on the things that'll hurt you. Past memorys, anger, things that'll stop you from living happy, and for the the day.

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Great song, with Steve Rothery playing bass for a change.

It's a great message too.....nothing is ever as bad as it seems.

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