What Happens Tomorrow Lyrics
It's enough your growing up in such a hurry
Brings you down, the news they sell ya
To put in your mind that all mankind is a failure
What's gonna happen tomorrow
We try not to show
How frightened we are
However I can
You've got to believe
It'll be alright in the end
There are times we punish those who we need the most
Though we can't wait for a saviour
Only got ourselves to blame for this behaviour
What's gonna happen tomorrow
We try not to show
How frightened we are
If you were the only
star in the night?
It'll be alright in the end
You've got to believe
It'll be alright again
Running deep, deep and fast
Enough to get lost down in the flow
Crashing around
These tiny lives mean everything
What's gonna happen tomorrow
So don't let go
Now we've come this far
Understand me
You're never alone
It'll be alright in the end
(Nobody knows)
You've got to believe
It'll be alright my friend
Da, da, da, da
It'll be alright again
(Nobody knows)

Just out of curiosity, why does it have to be about a relationship? Of any kind? The inspiration for this song is far more universal. In my humble opinion, if it's being interpreted as relating to just one particular instance or relationship, the entire purpose has been missed entirely!
This song is not about two or even a small group of people. It's about society. What it's like to live in a world where no one literally knows what will happen tomorrow. Living in a time of nuclear weaponry, active terrorism, patriotic heroism, racial hatred and religious war, it's important to band together, remember we're not as different as we think we are, and we all share one thing in common: Nobody knows what will be.
I find it inspirational. The narrator is obviously speaking to a child, encouraging him not to be afraid. The talking heads dooming the world and mankind should be paid no attention. The truth is that no one knows, and all we can do is hope and unite.
Just my thoughts.

I cant believe this song has not been touched yet, an absoloutly cute song. Obviously it's about faith and strength in a relationship, how obstacles but at the same time other people exist and things that we can never control. I guess its also about how one yearns for someone else so much to guide them that they hurt others, that if your strong about your existence youll realise you fit into everything. No one is alone in the end, and the video shows it too, stars in the sky, i thought it was cute taking the ideas from previous videos and the whole video itself is very heart warming.

Awwwww...it's so cute....haha....I luv Duran Duran!

this song is really good, and its perfect for what im going through with my best friend.. i've like her for almost 3 years and never told her, and i did recently and we say its going to be alright but i dont know... this song really fits in with my situation, plus its an awsome song... i liked it the first time i heard it... i dont know much of duran duran.. but this song is really good

this song is really good, and its perfect for what im going through with my best friend.. i've like her for almost 3 years and never told her, and i did recently and we say its going to be alright but i dont know... this song really fits in with my situation, plus its an awsome song... i liked it the first time i heard it... i dont know much of duran duran.. but this song is really good

Duran Duran did it again!!!!

I love everyone's thought! I saw an interview where Simon said the lyrics were inspired by a conversation he had with a little boy shortly after 9/11. And the boy said "Nobody knows what'll happen tomorrow," or something similar. So it's very optimistic, cuz no matter how bad things might seem, you've just got to believe it'll all turn out all right...

Well, I have to agree with Twisha, this song is about having faith and strength in relationships, & how obstacles can get ing the way, but I also think this song is about Learning from the mistakes that we all make from time to time. It's true that sometimes things happen that we can never control, but it's really up to each of us to decide what is the right thing to do, which is Not easy to do sometimes. I'n short, this is a song about Learning from Your mistakes, & learning to think more positive for what will happen tomarrow, & mostly, this song is about keeping relationships strong & healthly & to work through problems head on.

This is my favorite Duran Duran song. Both the driving beat, and the lyrics which seem simple but have immense meaning are nice. The message of this song this song is that life is very uncertain although we take so much for granted. We hope the good will come, like we are entitled to it. The bad things always happen to someone else. But the truth is at any moment our world could fall apart and then what would we do? It is best to be prepared for the bad, while hoping for the good. Most people believe ''it will be alright in the end'' whether dealing with a good or especially, a bad situation. If this is based on good intuition, you are probably right. If not, then it's just hope. But hope is good. It is best to believe in hope, and to realize life isn't certain, nor a smooth path. Truthfully, there are no limitations in life-we are only limited by ourselves. There is no path to follow that will have only happy days. In good or in bad, it is wise to realize neither lasts forever-tomorrow could be your day.

I agree Mindhuntress Thats exactly what I thought of it and the 9/11 inspiration to write the song