Dice Lyrics
I am smiling I think of you
Where your gardens have no walls
Breathe in the air if you care you compare
Don't say farewell
To when you roll the dice and swear your love's for me
Nothing can compare
to when you roll the dice and swear your love's for me
I am smiling I think of you
Misty mornings and water falls
Breath in the air if you care you compare
Don't say farewell
to when you roll the dice and swear your love's for me
Nothing can compare
to when you roll the dice and swear your love's for me
Nothing can compare
to when you roll the dice and swear your love's for me
Escape velocity
to when you roll the dice and swear your love's for me
Nothing can compare
to when you roll the dice and swear your love's for me
Nothing can compare
to when you roll the dice and swear your love's for me
Don't say farewell

Lol i hate you all please don't just say i love this song, i love the oc. DISSCUSS THE SONG MEANING :). Rant over.
I suppose i have to agree with the others and say the writer probably intended it to be about taking the gamble to tell someone how you feel. But it fits so beautifully to mean what i first took it to mean, so let me throw in this curve ball....
The song (at least to me) is about losing the one you love, so "I was crying over you" is the grieving" and "i am smiling, i think of you. Where your gardens have no walls" is the peace of mind they get from thinking of there loved one in a better place, where they are happy and free (no walls). And "breath in the air, if you care, you compaire, dont say farewell" is the writers advice to other/himself to just stop and realise that there still with them.
Then to be really interesting "When you roll the dice and swear your love for me". My first thought when i had this theme in my head was of the fortune teller type thing of asking a question and using dice to give an answer (with the belief that the dead can manipulate the roll) so on asking the question, they got an answer that can put them at peace. Which nothing can compaire to.
The line "Virtuous sensibility, escape velocity" says to me how there good life means in death the can find peace, escape the velocity of every day life.

I love this song!... Those other fans of The OC will probably also share my same feelings...
"Nothing can compare, to when you roll the dice and sware your loves for me"

This is a great song! I recorded the New Year's Eve episode of The O.C., and yes, I like to play it over and over.

i'd have to say that final scenes of that episode is possible the best tv scene i've ever seen.. Everytime i play this song, i just sit back and relax.. I truly rate this song!

I LOVE during the Countdown Episode on the OC when this song is playing and Ryan is running up the stairs to go kiss Marissa at 12. "how you spend new years eve is how you will spend the rest of the year"- The OC
This song goes along with the mood in the episode. Wanting to be loved- rolling the dice is kind of like taking a chance, you dont know what your going to get

This is a great song... :) I listen to it like all the time...and yeah, doesn't the OC have the best music?

This song is full of emotion... I heard it before it showed up on the OC... and it was put in perfect context when it appeared on the show... Finley Quaye is one of those diamonds in the rough... Not a ton of people have heard of him, but those who have, seem to really love his work.

defiently one gr8 track here

This song is great. That was one of my favorite episodes of the oc, the new years one, when they played it. I just love that scene. By the way, it's by Finlay Quey and William Orbit.

Yea, the song trully made the whole collage of scenes that were going on when this was playing. A simply great song that fit perfectly to a really awesome episode.