110 Meanings
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Slow Hands Lyrics

Yeah but nobody searches
Nobody cares somehow
When the loving that you've wasted
Comes raining from a hapless cloud
And I might stop and look upon your face
Disappear in the sweet, sweet gaze
See the living that surrounds me (yesterday)
Dissipate in a violet place

Can't you see what you've done to my heart
And soul?
This is a wasteland now

We spies
We slow hands
Put the weights around yourself
We spies
Oh yeah we slow hands
You put the weights all around yourself

I submit my incentive is romance
I watched the pole dance of the stars
We rejoice because the hurting is so painless
From the distance of passing cars
But I am married to your charms & grace
I just go crazy like the good old days
You make me want to pick up a guitar (come what may)
And celebrate the myriad ways that I love you

Can you see what you've done to my heart
And soul?
This is a wasteland now

We spies
Yeah we slow hands
You put the weights around yourself
We spies
Oh, yeah we slow hands
Killer, for hire you know not yourself

We spies
We slow hands
You put the weights all around yourself
We spies
Oh yeah we slow hands
We retire like nobody else
We spies
Intimate slow hands killer
For hire you know not yourself
We spies
Intimate slow hands
You let the face slap around herself
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110 Meanings

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Cover art for Slow Hands lyrics by Interpol

It has already been stated that Interpol said this song's title is about ERIC CLAPTON (slow hand is his nickname as every Clapton fan knows). The Joy Division reference to their song (and name of their complete song discography) "Heart and Soul" has been mentioned as well. Those both clearly indicate that this song is about Interpol's musical influences. Period. Most people think that they were most heavily influenced by Joy Division, but in reality their greatest influence is Eric Clapton. Eric's classic rock songs from "the good old days" basically "makes me want to pick up my guitar." The lyric "can you see what you've done to my heart.. and soul" is Paul giving a big phuck you to all those people who claim that they have copied Joy Division. They are basically like, "Yeah, we like Joy Division, so what?????" Being "spies" means that they have listened to and incorporated other people's music into their own expression, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I LOVE JOY DIVISION and I LOVE INTERPOL. Every musician has influences, and tries to incorporate some of what they love about them along with adding to that bringing some form of uniqueness. Get over it people... (fyi, even though I've been coming to this site for years, this is my very first post, as I felt compelled to say something about this very obvious song meaning)

My Interpretation

wow... that was.. like... really... stupid.

Cover art for Slow Hands lyrics by Interpol

no comments, odd

this song is one of the best on Antics, I love it, very dancable

Cover art for Slow Hands lyrics by Interpol

"you make me wanna pick up a guitar"

so schoolboy and honest. good stuff.

I submit my incentive is romance I watched the pole dance of the stars

again beautiful don't amalyse this song, go out. turn off the computer and find love. then just listen to the song.

Best response exactly what this song is about!

Not Valid
Cover art for Slow Hands lyrics by Interpol

This sounds like my life "Yeah, but nobody searches. Nobody cares somehow. When the loving that you've wasted comes raining from a hapless cloud" - OK my logic is probably failing and hardly meaningful but to me it's like nobody is searching; there's nobody out there for you. Your loving is just pointless / wasted.

"And I might stop and look upon your face disappear in the sweet, sweet gaze. See the living that surrounds me dissipate in a violet place." - reminds me of such my late-to-come but short-lived first love who no longer wants connection at all. But she was all I ever had, everybody else is "not searching".

"Can't you see what you've done to my heart and soul? It's a wasteland now." -Well SHE can't. That's for sure; it's all one-sided hate. But now my heart is just a "wasteland".

"I submit my incentive is romance... The hurting is so painless... from the distance..." -Still hurting you; maybe you're keeping it inside. Your incentive is romance. You just want somebody to love, that's your incentive, all your motives are good, but it doesn't seem to mean anything.

"But I am married to your charms and grace. I just go crazy like the good old days. You make me want to pick up a guitar and celebrate the myriad of ways that I love you. Can't you see what you've done to my heart and soul? It's a wasteland now." - Missing the good old days. Can't you see what you've done to me?

Probably failing logic, but hey, I can easily relate to this. I just don't quite get the chorus. Spies are very secretive though, and unknown, just like me.

It's definitely got something to do with love, that's for sure. Keep adding thoughts, guys.

Cover art for Slow Hands lyrics by Interpol

Best song on the album!

I love the line, I watch the pole dance of the stars since the stars in the sky all spin around the North star (the pole star) during the night. So it's a really beautiful image of watching the stars all night long but also really dirty in a way cause it's a "pole" dance. Super awesome!

Cover art for Slow Hands lyrics by Interpol

he talks about weights again.. good single!

Cover art for Slow Hands lyrics by Interpol

he talks about weights again.. good single!

Cover art for Slow Hands lyrics by Interpol

I know of a mained lyrics site that put soul but it sounded and still sounds to me like he sais "and so". This song reminds of lots its all relative, slow hands killer since slow to protect the planes the buildings fell down and then killer revenge, or my ex girlfriend had she the prochoice to marry me when we were 17 and 16 that would of prevented the unwanted pregnancy and abortion soon after due to running away(since she tried killing herself since parents didn't wanna let her see me anymore) then caught forced seperation and rumors breaking us up so she went and acted off slutty, he may also be knocking on foreskin assassines, her mother slapped her when they argued about all the makeup she expected her to wear and told her how fat she was though she fed her that way, told her what an embarrassment she was, her mother can do good though if you call 808-988-2929 and ask for Kim to write jovewilliams@yahoo.com, and she gets her to.. slow hands deal with crude oil pollution kills people, not worth any doing letalone much evolutionary advancement, had the planes ran of clean H and O like NASA a quick steam release may not have kept burning to melt down the buildings. the other destructively patterned low and shameful filthy money counting is destined to war about

Cover art for Slow Hands lyrics by Interpol

how melodic the guitaring here to me as hypnotic

Cover art for Slow Hands lyrics by Interpol

he looks sad in the video, like me, I can so relate, also though he seems like nirvana kurt kobain with the bangs (spelling?) k this should be my last entry on this page, unless someone wants to complain, fyi too since I wanted my last entry on my interaction page to refer here for now that's why