6 Meanings
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Go Lambs Go! Lyrics

What did I do? Nothing!
What did I say? Nothing!

You push bullshit beliefs
Do you want the future you see?
Have you seen me? No!
You turned my heartache into your crusade
You say its truth, I say tirade!

Carry signs, keep up the charade
I'll take the heat my bed's been made
Religious right it's not my way
And who are you to even say?

What did you do? Nothing!
What did you say? Nothing!

How many doctors have you offed?
How many kids will you adopt?
How many more can this world hold?
If you condemn birth control!

You hide behind false propaganda
Your groups of thousands stand and pray
It's not your choice, it's mine, I've made it
I'll stand behind it every day
6 Meanings
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It's about the pro-choice movement, but I think the second verse can apply to anyone with bullshit beliefs.

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Sorry, pro-life. D'oh.

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yes i agree this is definately about pro-life, and saying that we should have the right to choose. "Your groups of thousands stand and pray It's not your choice, it's mine, I've made it I'll stand behind it every day"

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Definately about pro-life. I love the line "How many kids would you adopt?" It brings up such a good point, if they outlawed abortion what would happen? Bigger orphanages? Great song.

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Yes, this is obviously about Pro-Life. This song is gross, dude. Orphanages suck, so let's kill the children instead. Yes, brilliantly logical idea.

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the church forbids birth control. i'm sorry, people have sex, it's part of our anatomy and people like it. not every family can be like the fucking duggars. that's more disgusting.

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