28 Meanings
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The Golden Path Lyrics

As I walked along
The supposed golden path
I was confronted
By mysterious spectre
He pointed to the graveyard
Over on yonder hill
I paused in cosmic reflection
Confused on wondering
Of how I came to die

I was confused
Coz if I was dead
How and why did I die
And I composed myself
And decided I should face it

Then I stood paralyzed
On the supposed golden path
And I was confronted
By powerful demon force
And there was the devil
And we spoke his words
Flowed like glowing lava from the mouth of a volcano
And I said:
Help me, Lord!!
I found myself in some kinda hell
But I did not believe in heaven and hell
World in opposites kind of reality

But I gained control of myself
And decided to press on

As I walked along
The supposed golden path
I was trembling with fear
All the lions and the wizards yet to come
I seen in the distance
Silver mountains rising high in the clouds
And a voice from above did whisper
Some shining answer from the womb

Please forgive me
I never meant to hurt you
Song Info
Submitted by
myhotelyear On Sep 21, 2004
28 Meanings
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Firstly it's incredible.

To me it's a song about the doubt, fears and difficulties in finding a direction in the journey of life.

Where am I? Where am I going? Which track am I on and am I on the right track? Outside influences are pushing me where I do not want to be. Am I ever where I think I am? What is going to happen to me? Something is going to stop me and hurt me. There are powers bigger than me that can stop me.

A man naturally wants to be going somewhere - because he knows he is mortal, he acts and he tries to go there and then doubts and fears take hold.

I think the ending is a reminder to not worry too much about the grand scheme which can wear you down, just be warm and human and a good person. That is where to be. Do not get taken over by the daunting path of life and formostly love those near you that deserve it.

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I think this song is about not being able to decide what you believe, being confused. He keeps naming the "supposed" golden path, as most faiths/belief systems tend to advertise their way as the only way, the golden way, etc. I think the voice at the end "please forgive me/I never meant to hurt you" is the voice of some kind of benevolent being or force or something, whatever you believe in, telling you it's going to be alright, you were never meant to suffer. Something like that, I think this song has some small connection to tripping as well, and of course wizard of oz.

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fuck! this song is really really good. everytime i see the video it make me cry, is so fucki'n happy/sad... i wonder why nobody have post about it.... i think it's about when you're dying and the only thought in your head is that special person, and u only can say "please forgive me, i never meant to hurt you...." damn i'm crying. hehe

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i love this song bro, the video clips pretty cool . i wish that would happen to me at work, fuck knows i could do with a bit of escapism

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Well It for sure is following the same lines of The Wizard of Oz.. Golden Path, Lions, wizards, Silver Mountains all from Wizard of Oz...

Then the "I found myself in some kinda hell, but I did not believe in hell" Is very intrigue and may lead to the true meaning of the song. Something around the idea that All though you may believe insomething doesn't make the opposite not possible. I don't know if they are religous that would play a big factor in what the song means in regards to that last quote.

Maybe a song about mans struggle to find himself and his idea's? The long journey he must take believing in things then having them not come true? I haven't seen the video but I rarely think the video, unless directed by the musican, have any insight to the actual song.

But the last line really throws me through a loop... it just doesn't seem to follow the lines o thinking I am having. And For that I think that i am wrong. haha.. I'll think about it again later.

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There's something weird about this one. It gets better with every listen. I've been listening to it on and off for almost a year now.

My love of this song is approaching a religion by now.

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man i love this song "please forgive me, I never meant to hurt you" that part makes me teary, i dunno what it has to do with the song though its just touching hah what a good song

I think this song is about a man who lived the conventional life and did all the right things but hit depression and anxiety. I think he committed suicide hence finding himself dead. This interpretation explains the end that confuses most people, when the say "Please forgive me, I never meant to hurt you." He may be speaking to his family and friends for those who lose someone to suicide are greatly hurt.If you listen with this interpretation it makes a lot of sense.

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for me, based on the video (which is amazing too), this song is about realizing money doesnt make you happy...the story as i see it is this: the guy was a hippie or something like that, but later "got a life", got a nice well paid job and all, leaving his past friends (or just the girlfirend...). now he realizes...its just wont work. the song is about the realizing part.

in more detail, this guy is living on the "supposed golden path", meaning the american dream kind of thing. then he is comfronted by something, a "mysterious spectre", which makes him think bout live and death ("pointed to the graveyard"..) and that kind of stuff. now, he is confused, he sees a "powerful demon force", meaning he realizes the negatives in his livestyle. and it makes him turn to religion. now...i dont know whether the "supposed golden path" in the 3rd part is still the same, or a "new", think your favorite new age or religious stuff :). anyway, he comes to some kind of conclusion, and is freed, reuniting with the past. the happy end.

and i absolutely love this song, cuz it makes me cry to think about its meaning...

Yeah, that was pretty much my idea about the song. The "Golden Path" is the course of his life, and things keep getting in the way of his dreams - personified in the song as various monsters and in the music video as office appliances. Basically, he's become a person he never wanted to be, hence "help me Lord, I've found myself in some kind of Hell". In the end, he simply stops caring about what other people think and decides to be what he wants to be, in the process undoing his "spiritual death" and finding the "shining answer...

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How can anyone NOT like this song? Who hasn't found themselves walking on a path they thought was "right" for whatever reason, only to come to question what they were taught to believe after a variety of life experiences? Who among us has not looked within to confront inner demons, and ponder in reflection where we are, what we are, what we're doing, and why?

A very powerful piece of music.

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paulohony makes sence but I always thought that this song was about a guy that suddenly died-> could have been murder by accident, hence the end of the song is another voice (a person crying) saying "please forgive, I never meant to hurt you". This way, the line "and a voice from above did whisper some shining answer from the moon" makes sence. He's walking the golden path and hears the other person asking for forgiveness.

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